Project Green Grass @ Youth Park, April 29, *FREE*

perplexed : i had to go for photography class that evening :p
only managed to catch abit of electrico and had to go already.
i was there too!!!! i met lilrampage, pepper and candie... i onli caught eletrico and WGB... but off topic a bit... what are ur opinions of daphne being the vocalist of WGB? i personally feel that there was a little mismatch... but on the whole it was quite good...
i agree there was a bit of a mis-match.

the old WGB songs wasnt pulled off well,
they sounded better with the male vocalist.
and the jumping around for her didnt really worked for me.
but i do think their new song sounds great with daphne.

i guess the newer songs were written to cater for her voice.


Electrico was as good as always. :)

a vacant affair and vertical rush were cool too.
my face may not show it but...
I really enjoyed the concert.
Yes I do.
Desmond from Electrico made me wonder if he was in the PCK Musical last year.