Project Green Grass @ Youth Park, April 29, *FREE*

knightlaughalot said:
come visit the wakemeup booth at this event to find the latest albums that just have been imported
Umm.. gonna be abit off-topic here. WMUM still have albums by Pensionstate or The Moderates?
okok one offtopic is allowed. pension states really old one yes. :) as for the moderates no have man... if have id get also lol! power musicians. well as for local we have surreal's ep, nothing to declare ep, my squared circle and stuff that isnt coming to my mind right now :)

GREEN GRASS topic- i just watched it myself today and honestly it reminded me much of my own personal life. it affected me in a good way. I hope that people would come for this show and experience what i experienced when i was watching the short film. so come on down guys to possibly one of the best line ups ive ever seen :) no regret fo sure
marcus ah marcus.. shouldnt u be studying. what are u doing here on

YESYES! more people! muahahhahahhaa i shall carry out my wicked plan and make u slaves of witch kunabalurakimula

knightlaughalot said:
marcus ah marcus.. shouldnt u be studying. what are u doing here on

YESYES! more people! muahahhahahhaa i shall carry out my wicked plan and make u slaves of witch kunabalurakimula


be quiet egan. don't expose my secret identity. i have enjoyed my anonymity here.

and looks like ur evil plan isnt working much hurhur.
time for you to change ur id. hahaha but we'll still recognize u as the one forever behind your iBook. hur hur. hey, when is sonic-edge's album coming out? such a long time already man.. haha (:
was at the show yesterday helping as a volunteer for green grass. didja guys enjoy the short film on glenn lim??

anyway, the show was awesome too, but surreal totally blew me away!

electrico, WGB, vertica rush and vacant affair were great too!

ENCORE! :lol:
Really really good gig.. had a smashing good time. I second nickseow's opinion.. Surreal's set was tops. The crowd was happening too.

I'm working on the shots that my friend and me took.. Here's a preview, made this from the shots taken of surreal:


More to come ;)