problems with ibanez sg bass bridge mini humbucker


New member
hi, i just got a 1977 ibanez sg bass, and i realised tt the mini humbucker on the bridge, which is covered by the nickel pickup cover, responds very loudly when i whack on the pickup cover.

Whereas on the neck soapbar pickup, tt doesnt happen when i hit the pickup cover.

i am still noob at parts and electronics, so maybe someone can help me, to see whether is there a huge prob with the pickup.

picture is extremely blur .. can't see anything for nuts ..

anyway .. one way to solve that is to lower your pickup height ... it MAY affect your tone but not in a humougous way .. can be good also .. so it really depends ...
could be a grounding issue if it's your fingers hitting the pickups.
if it's the strings then just lower your pickup it'll be fine.
haha def not grounding problem, its not noise, its sound, when i whack, it has this percussive sound, as if i am whacking a drum or something like tt
aaroncheong said:
haha def not grounding problem, its not noise, its sound, when i whack, it has this percussive sound, as if i am whacking a drum or something like tt

i'm pretty sure it's your pickup height ..the bridge .. =)