Problem with pedals. Fluctuating volume..


New member
I'm currently using a Fender Blues Junior. When my guitar is plugged directly into the amp, everything's fine. But with the pedals(e.g. Ibanez Ts-9/Cs-3 etc), the volume will start fluctuating. It'll be fine at first but after awhile, the volume will become softer, back to normal, softer again and sometimes, no sound at all. What's the problem? Please do help! Thanks!
What's your signal chain? Also, have you tried running each pedal on its own to isolate a problematic pedal?
Check your cable heads. Are they all tightened?

I get this problem a lot when I use analogue pedals, and it always turns out that one of my patch cable's heads is loose.
happens A LOT. very common problem with faulty cables and faulty wiring.

it even happens when you plug a faulty cable into a computer audio interface. in fact, the volume drop will also be recorded by the computer when it happens.

it's got to do with the capacitance of the load between the guitar and the amp. check that all your cables. plug your guitar into your amp with each cable without an effects in between. there should be one or two faulty cables.

if it's not the cables, start putting only one effect in the FX chain at a time, to see which pedal is causing that volume drop.
check that all your cables. plug your guitar into your amp with each cable without an effects in between. there should be one or two faulty cables.

if it's not the cables, start putting only one effect in the FX chain at a time, to see which pedal is causing that volume drop.

This guy speaks the truth. Happens a LOT to me as well....

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