Problem with multitrack.


New member
Hey guys . right now i'm using a cheap wharfedale dynamic mic . but it seems that i'm having some difficulty in recording the vocals when multitrack , so the vocals seems to be not so accurate and out of tune .

but it works just fine when i go record it live ( play the guitar and do vocals). what do you guys think ?

is it because of me ? or is it because of the mic ? should i use condenser instead? will that help?
There is no way a mic can make your vocals go out of tune. If the vocals are out of tune then either the singer sang them out of tune or there is something seriously wrong with you multitrack.
vocals go out of tune for certain reasons :
1) vocals is really out of tune.
2) sample rate mismatch or something. 44.1khz / 48khz but chances are unlikely.
3) something you're doing/using in software is affecting. can you post an mp3 up for us to hear and help ?
bennywijaya, do you have a sample of the recording with the off tune vocals? Will be easier to troubleshoot if we could listen to it.