Problem with amp or guitar


New member
Hi all, I'm currently using an Ibanez SA120 and a Roland Microcube. Recently, I don't get any sound from the amplifier when I plug the guitar into it and I was wondering if there's any way to test whether the fault lies with the amp or guitar without bringing it to a shop ?
If there's no sound then it could also be the cable at fault. Have you tested your guitar on other amplifiers and vice versa? That's still the best route to determine which component is faulty.
you can:

*plug in another guitar to verify the amp's working condition
*plug your guitar into another amp/ tuner
You can
Plug in ur jack in your amp. Tap your another end of the jack with ur finger.. if there sound, it might be ur guitar problem. if not, it must be ur jack or amp problem, change ur jack to change where the problem.
Thanks for the replies everyone!

I've tried plugging it into a tuner since I neither have another guitar nor another amp, but there was no response from it even after swapping cables, so I think it's probably a fault with the guitar.

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