Printing Cds/booklet nid help o.o


yeah similarly to the topic :D
any1 knows where is the best place for printing cds and its booklet?
Actually i do not know how is the procedures oso but im looking for something that might is like i hand over the demo and he prints out the cd and the designs on the cd as well or i could hand him a picture to be printed on the cd o.o? and ya as well as the booklet. handing him the pictures and words to be printed on the booklet and they pack nicely in a cd case?
i've searched a couple on google but haven really tried their printing and time is running out and im bumping around to see if any1 of u guys have experience with this kinda cd printings as a whole to share with me and where would be the best and cheapest.
We need to summit a proposal for this andtime is running out! :twisted:

Thx alot in advance o.o