Pre-show >


guess i leave it up to you people


get it?
weather im making profit or not
you people have no right and no place to know
weather im making it cause of own fame or a BIG BLAST IN LOCAL SCENE

it's your choice to belive>>

so respect it/keep saying the rumours and all the bullshit

get the show started!
dude, no offences but it really seems like you're still immature to the music scene. i mean, have you ever been to a hardcore gig before??? i've been to your last gig and dude, seriously, you made all the bands there look bad... moshing is like a tradition in gigs. gigs without moshing would be like guys without winnes. I not saying anyting but seriously dude, you gotta expose yourself to more gigs and stuff before you even think of having a diy gig and to those people who don't care and wanna party, you guys are spoiling the scene. again no offences but i think what makes the scene thrive is having great gigs, great band and mutual respect for each and ever genre. i've done a diy gig way back before serving my NS. I understand how difficult it is. but standing for a bands set is like boring. the bands will feel dishearted and the crowd will be like "i payed 3 good bucks to watch this and i get nothing." dude, seriously "haters makes you famous"???, haters can get you into trouble. dude, you want advice, here's one, expose yourself to gigs by actually going to them and work out yourself the time schedule. how to set up stuffs and all that. get friends to help out or hire them. don't talk big, be humble, then everything will work out just fine

dude, no offences but it really seems like you're still immature to the music scene. i mean, have you ever been to a hardcore gig before??? i've been to your last gig and dude, seriously, you made all the bands there look bad... moshing is like a tradition in gigs. gigs without moshing would be like guys without winnes. I not saying anyting but seriously dude, you gotta expose yourself to more gigs and stuff before you even think of having a diy gig and to those people who don't care and wanna party, you guys are spoiling the scene. again no offences but i think what makes the scene thrive is having great gigs, great band and mutual respect for each and ever genre. i've done a diy gig way back before serving my NS. I understand how difficult it is. but standing for a bands set is like boring. the bands will feel dishearted and the crowd will be like "i payed 3 good bucks to watch this and i get nothing." dude, seriously "haters makes you famous"???, haters can get you into trouble. dude, you want advice, here's one, expose yourself to gigs by actually going to them and work out yourself the time schedule. how to set up stuffs and all that. get friends to help out or hire them. don't talk big, be humble, then everything will work out just fine

This makes a whole lot of sense but I guess it's up to him.
Different people different perspectives.
But Guyrence,what do you mean by 'Haters make me famous' ?
Are you trying to say that you're doing this for the fame?
I think with you saying that will only put on the path of infamy.

But then again,it's just A perspective.
Who am I to say..

last day out... hmm that band name sounds familiar....

oh ya!!! i added the band on myspace, like, 2 years ago! wow, they finally got their big break
Be matured. Be Humble. And don't claim that you started this whole DIY thing and people copying you. DIY had started way long before you knew it.

In other words, just don't talk big.
last day out... hmm that band name sounds familiar....

oh ya!!! i added the band on myspace, like, 2 years ago! wow, they finally got their big break

haha.2 years! damn that was long.

haha.we had our fair share of gigs during the 2 years also,like 4??haha but yeah,this one is our first for this year!!haha
i'm guessing you're from last day out.

yea i added one of your members. i believe i added the drummer on myspace.. or is it the guitarist... can't remember... anyway, congrats for getting your big break. my band's will be coming next poly semester i guess. hopefully
GUYrenCE said:

You know there's a strategy in marketing where companies manage to balance out high profit making with societal concerns. Look at Mcdonalds, there are making big bucks from angsty teenagers and young adults and yet they have set up Ronald Mcdonald Fund for the less fortunate kids. What I'm trying to say is that its fine to have a vision of profit making from DIY gigs (BUT NOT AT THE EXPENSE OF OTHERS SUCH AS RIPPING OTHERS OFF) or as matter of fact anything it comes to business because we are living in a capitalist world afterall. You want to help the local music scene that's fine with me, but please for the love of god don't go around telling people that you're the ONLY person in Singapore who can organise DIY gigs like as if you hold sole ownership to the term "DIY Gigs".

So what if Mcdonalds was one of the pioneers of fast food restaurant chain in Singapore, at least it did not go around telling people that it was the first fast food restaurant chain in Singapore just because Burger King set up shop next door.

I think you really need to re-evaluate your entire strategy in promoting this gig because its really screwed honestly speaking. Seriously I think you really need to go for some client relationship management courses. In simple terms, please learn to be humble. At least that's what Mcdonalds did....
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GUYrenCE said:
weather im making profit or not
you people have no right and no place to know

Yes we have no right to know whether you're making a profit or not

GUYrenCE said:
weather im making it cause of own fame or a BIG BLAST IN LOCAL SCENE

it's your choice to belive>>

Aren't you implying the obvious?
hahaha!! u guys really fcking him up sia... bt seriously, just leave him alone ah... its his gig let him charge whatever amount he wants, or if he doesnt wanna let people mosh its up to him, its his gig after all. you guys dont like the way he did it then dont support the gig, its that simple.

however, i do agree with what dashfield and doubleblade said. +1 to u guys!
If you want to earn profits from the event, at least treat your "clients" well.

Happy clients = More profits (in a long run)

You don't go around telling bands ,"Oh when you see this post please call or text me!". It's your duty as a gig organiser to CALL THEM UP INSTEAD and update them on the progress of the gig and not the other way around. The bands do not owe you anything like as if the entire gig revolves around you. The people who are going to perform at your gig also hold a stake in your event.

What's the point of holding a successful gig when the performers and audiences are sulking in one corner? Yes you will get profits from the gig but if you continue to treat your "clients" and stakeholders of the event like shit, are you able to reap the same amount of profits as before?

Once want profits? Fine go work towards treating your "clients" better first before ever thinking of profits.
firstly>im not a Businessman nor a organiser<


i stated clearly>is up to you to choice which side to belive in<
CAUSE!!!!!!!!!!! im sick and tired of explain and explain
and those F**kers don't even understand this
as you can see>you people wana know everything about this

if you think that>im doing this because i want money
im doing this because i want to make a blast in local scene

it's up to you guys to belive in
cause im sick and fu8c9k**g tired to explain and explain and explain

lastly, yes moshing is allow

a quote from Kai(prophecy of life)
"when moshing,don't lead to fight"

thank you Kai!, and yes/ thanks for your comments

thanks for viewing>>>

and thank you for all your comments
basically whatever it is this js just a PRE SHOW!!!
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dude, i seriously think you need to type properly. what's with the > and unnecessary punctuations? lol it's kinda hard to read.

okay, maybe it's just hard for me to read. but i really think you should type properly. =)
dude, i seriously think you need to type properly. what's with the > and unnecessary punctuations? lol it's kinda hard to read.

okay, maybe it's just hard for me to read. but i really think you should type properly. =)

opps!! hey friend you mean this>>> and <<<

it's my way of conversation
makes you remember me!

ok,i'll try to type in a nice way
Yes, please. It makes you more coherent. And slightly easier to understand too >>>

Live your life at 100% lifeforce>>!!<<