Practising Jazz

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For Your Info: SOFT also happens to be the nick (of the Owner of this Forum here) - However, don't be misleaded. the truth is that the management of this Forum is really not as Gentle or as Fragile or even as Tender as what you perceived or as it's name implies ... SOFT. For those who had been around here for a while - knows best that we tolerate no nonsence.

My Advice; - Play By The Rules Of The Game Here ! yes it's my perogative as I am the Moderator....In a way, this is what we called ... "RESPECT" and respect our house rules.

Talking about Reality = The Reality is that this is a Healthy & Nice Forum and we love it this way as it is. The Objective of this Forum is to Promote The Drumming Passion and never was vice-versa - This is also the Reality Here. You must get this right. Learn to accept it.

So yes handle with care, be careful with your choice of words - so as not to hurt the General Public Feelings here at Large.

Thank You


I think the problem here is not me..but the fact that you fail to understand the thrust and nuances of written English. And what you cannot understand you misinterprete..and then you feel like lashing out with the authority you wield here - instead of using your intellect.

I have not used any harsh language...nor have I been rude or personal. My views may not agree with yours but they are as valid and sincere as any.

You keep mentioning the Rules but have not shown them to me. Yet you say I am not following the to when I am not told what the Rules are?

Your say the objective here is to promote The Drumming Passion. There are many ways towards achieving this objective other than the nice warm cuddly (and pubescent) approach advocated by you.

You did your NS ? Would you have become a good soldier if your drill sergeants were kind, warm and friendly souls who never treated you roughly ? Would you have lasted one minute when real bullets are flying?

I am not being destructive nor discouraging...I have nurtured many younger musicians (not just drummers) in my time and I share the general objective of promoting passion in music, not just drumming.

Try to be more open minded yourself. Life is not a bed of roses, you know. Perhaps you should try to get it right, not me.
Frank Frank, I think you are over-reacting here..... I quoted: -

Whoever says Jazz is Ultimate (if there is such a person quoting is not true), it is the enablement to play all this different style that is Ultimate at end of the day.

No Names was mentioned - it's just a general never was I defensive here ? or am trying to put words into your mouth.... just to clarify.

Eric, dear Eric...I do not over react.

Read your entire post carefully and you will understand why I responded the way I did.

You do not make a specific statement then say you made a general comment.

The corollary is also true..if someone makes a general statement, do not take it to be directed at anyone specifically.

Am I confusing you now ?
Our Rules is simple -

"Anything that is in Contridictory or is Deem To Be working against the Objective of Building/Fostering A Healthy Drumming Culture & Community here for the Drummers in Soft is not permitted".

Soft's Drum Xchange Singapore (DXS) (Our Physical Home), and Soft's Forum (Our Cyber Home) here share similar objective to enhancing and attaining the above Objective.

PS: - from the above - forumers post within these broad parameters laid down by us using their own intitiatives to keep this forum healthy as it comprises Drummers from all walks of life.

For instance eg Our Slogan for DXS is .... "Inspired To Drum, Drumming To Inspire"which tells us - - - If the things we are about to post is Demoralising or might be deem to be demoralising or demotivating to certain extend to any drummers (especially the Younger or Newer Drummers) - then we better not post that up, or let's be extra careful in penning it down here in case it does more harm then good for the community at large.

Of course the general rules of - No Bashing, No Thrashing, No Framing applies. Respect Others and don't ever challenge the Forum Management - like it or not (It's really our Rights & Perogative),and we own that right . When we say Stop just stop it and move on.

Cheers ! and enjoy your stay here.

and thank you for your understanding.

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So I say - Frank ...let's move on and drop the arguement on this's better for everyone here.

Any further post on this issue(by anyone) will be deleted .... Reason (do I really have to mentioned it here): If yes - because ... we say so - just abide by it and respect our decision. We do not want any disharmony here.

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Eric, If that is your "RULE" I would call it an arbitrary should get someone who knows legal terminology to frame it...for the sake of the members here.

I can tear down this Rule under the laws and statutes of Singapore ...but I won't. I am not here to destroy...but I would like to be able to do my bit by being honest, critical even, and not being afraid to have a different viewpoint.

Drummers are not sheep...and you are not their shepherd. But even sheep have to be able to differentiate betwen the sound of a wolf and that of a sheepdog...for their own good.

Building and fostering are nice words. Just what kind of building you get and the community you foster depends on the quality of your inputs.

Think about it.
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Mr Frank Wong

You are comming into Soft Forum and is now telling us What we should do, or what we should not do? and that's respect or what?. There is no need to go to all the extend to frame up Rules and Regulation in a Legal Way - we reserve the rights to banned a person if things get out of hand, after repeated warning....

It just like you go into a certain people home and tell them you want the home to be what you expect it to be.........

If you are indeed not happy with Soft, by all means leave if I had to be harsh. What rule do you wanna set for us here - cause as I mentioned we reserve the right.

Please stop - why do you keep challenging Soft here? We already said stop and drop this subject because I know you? or is it your intention to get this Thread lock-up

PS; - Building & Fostering - like you've mentioned - (Many can have Lips Services) but doing it and making it happen is truth - DXS is an example here

I believed many people knows you too from the old-forum....Who's Sheep and whos's Wolf is a question we let the people to decide.
This Thread will Be LOCKED
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