Strats, you owe me a teh ping next time! Hahahaha....
The thing is this.
Right now, given something like the pentatonic scale, can you make licks out of it?
Next, with the major/minor scale, can you make licks out of it?
If its yes for BOTH, Aye, you are more ready, IMO, to move on to modes.
For modes, the easiest way to get about practicing them is to use a simple, single note, bass line.
We can find the modal patterns easily right? Its just how to compose/use them.
So how do we start? The same way you started with pentatonics and major/minor scales. You get
familiar with their sounds. Thing is, pentatonics, major and minor scales are so prominent and popular in Western/Chinese music, so thats why we are already familiar with them when we start playing them!
And its made even easier because we often play chords that are part of the scale. Meaning, Major chords = Major scale (ionian mode) and Minor chords = Minor scale (aeolian mode).
Try playing a straight E major scale, E to E, over an E7 chord. You'll notice that when you hit the D# (7th note) you sound awfully out of tune with the E7 because E7 has a D (b7th) note: its a mixolydian note. Hence you play mixolydian modes over dominant 7th chords.
Different modes require
different chords!
But lets not go into that now, back to that single bass line.
Get the bass droning... say, a low E note... just droning.
Play thru say, an E Locarian mode, slowly, getting familiar with the tonality. You'll notice its sinister, evilish tone come out. Now continue playing that till you get a good feel in your head, till you can hum it out. GET FAMILIAR with it. Thereafter, maybe 2 weeks? You can start composing your licks, and you'll notice its much easier to do so.
As for how to apply modes... rem, you need the correct chords to go along with the mode but... tired liao lah. Maybe after a teh ping I'll continue.
