power jam

are they still looking for radio friendly bands playing plain alternative which any bugger can play it well?

i mean like last year's power jam, i think the rocking band that brought the house down in finals was Supernova. But i dun get it why the other band won. their second guitarist was not sounding he was juz struming without sound coming out. If that were to happen, a smart guitarist will do something on stage at that moment.

But yet they still win. issit the maketable and looks factor they looking for, or playability and ability to "WOW" the crowd.

whats exactly the judging criteria?

If this is a true band competition then it should be purely a band competition. Not for the looks or marketability only...........
hmm i was looking at the powerjam thing....RAFE won last year.....i don't really see them "championing local music" the way Electrico has been doing, which makes me worry about the management firm that's handling them and whether they're doing their job. i'm not sure WGB wants to take part; if we do it'll just be for fun i guess. seems like whether you win powerjam or not makes little difference to your popularity and ability to get gigs.

i'm honestly not sure what to make of Powerjam. but i suppose any reason to rock out is a good enough reason. i don't know.

Dear funkoveture
Do you go to competitions dressed in your sleepers?
There has to be some form of marketing what.

Why do you want to diss on bands that do play radio friendly songs? Its their choice as much as it is for you to be playing whatever it is that u are playing. Can you do a perfect take at the first time? If not, all of us fall under the amatuer musician, regardless of the type of music we play.

They have a recording deal and distributorship. If you so choose to contest the judges, then get a demo to Universal and see what they say. If not, musicianship is a solo pursuit of passion and perfection, you owe it to yourself thats all. Why be so sour about it?

Hey Ninja
Universal signed on Electrico.
RAFE is still recording and distributorship will be by Universal, not management. As it is, RAFE has no managment team behind them. So there u go, but RAFE has airplay on 98 and is on the charts. I dont really see what you mean by popularity or do u mean brand association?
not here to quarrel but just wanna comment that sometimes i do feel that some bands who play other genres of rock just are neglected as most people just believe tat radio friendly songs are the good songs. even though they believe in thier own music, its still demoralising to the players i think.
Re: Popularity


i have no idea what you mean by brand association, like, which conversation did that come from? from a consumer-point of view, it doesn't seem like RAFE gets much press coverage even though they may have their music on the charts. for example, if you go on the street and ask someone if they know who Electrico or Ronin are, you're likely to get a "yes". if you ask someone if they know who Rafe is, you're not as likely. i attributed this to Artist.e's management since the powerjam site says winners will be managed by Artist.e, and figured that Artist.e simply isn't getting Rafe the publicity they should probably have. but since Rafe isn't managed, that might explain the lack of publicity better. so the point, in case you haven't got the point by now, is that Rafe, having their music on the charts and radio and having won Powerjam previously, should have a lot of publicity. But as it is, they don't seem to have much, if any. i'm trying to figure out why that's so.

i'm not commenting on Rafe's quality as a band, or their musicianship or performance or music in any way. nor am i concerned about the mainstream music vs everything else debate, i'm not involved in that whole debate at all. what I'M concerned about is what taking part in the powerjam competition is going to do for the winners, so i'm looking at Rafe as an example of the state the winner will be in a year from winning the competition.
Ok but...

Hey Ninja
Did I step on you with my reply? Cos you sure seemed bothered by me not being able to get your point.
And now its what can they do for you when you win? All right.....
I dont know if you were born then but it used to be just a title and a few hundred bucks if you win a contest. And now we have progressed to getting major sponsorship but I guess thats still not enough for our local musicians.

Think about it if you will.
Re: Popularity

serialninja said:

i have no idea what you mean by brand association, like, which conversation did that come from? from a consumer-point of view, it doesn't seem like RAFE gets much press coverage even though they may have their music on the charts. for example, if you go on the street and ask someone if they know who Electrico or Ronin are, you're likely to get a "yes". if you ask someone if they know who Rafe is, you're not as likely. i attributed this to Artist.e's management since the powerjam site says winners will be managed by Artist.e, and figured that Artist.e simply isn't getting Rafe the publicity they should probably have. but since Rafe isn't managed, that might explain the lack of publicity better. so the point, in case you haven't got the point by now, is that Rafe, having their music on the charts and radio and having won Powerjam previously, should have a lot of publicity. But as it is, they don't seem to have much, if any. i'm trying to figure out why that's so.

i'm not commenting on Rafe's quality as a band, or their musicianship or performance or music in any way. nor am i concerned about the mainstream music vs everything else debate, i'm not involved in that whole debate at all. what I'M concerned about is what taking part in the powerjam competition is going to do for the winners, so i'm looking at Rafe as an example of the state the winner will be in a year from winning the competition.

I had wanted to refrain from participating in this thread, first being one who helped the first one powerjam get started and some bad experience for posting my honest comments during that period. I have to be extremely careful should I want to express my opinion because I'm not like any of you, free from encumbrances.

Nonetheless, I'll speak my piece. Are bands participating in any competition including the recent School Of Rock really interested in the prize and the artiste management thing. Ask Ash if he ever looked at the contract offered by M&M before participating? In RAFE case there was no promise of band management, so don't blame the current sponsor.

I did a survey here on band competitions and gathered that bands participated though with the hope of getting famous and better paid, none actually held too much expectation. It's more for the fun and experience.

Don't expect too much from organizers of such competition becasue they cannot meet your high expectations. Each organization has its own mission, and unless the competition is organized by one whose business is dependent on the success of the winning band, don't expect too much.

Each band has to find its own destiny and carve a career path for themself. Ronin for one started selling themselves from day one when they got together. They have created an aggressive marketing culture in themselves and that has translated into how they relate to the people around them. Many bands don't have that and thus they suffer from internal strife, swell headedness and complacency after winning a band competition.

To groom a band to a marketable level cost a lot of money, and there is no short cut. It's just like an EP is not an album no matter how you go round it. You've got to pay full price.

BUT, this is not the end of the world. We are only talking about one band competition. I have yet to see the ULTIMATE band competition and I am really looking forward to seeing one that is truly first class, and the prize being one that lands you a contract that brings the band around the world, perform side by side with first class bands and album distributed in all major markets. Can any of our bands make it there? No offence to those who dislike them...Pug Jelly maybe, Ronin on the way and perhaps West Grand Boulevard later.
let me state my POV as well.

I believe most bands join a band competition with the hopes of making it famous with a recording contract when they emerge winners. That winning the band competition is THE stepping stone towards a successful selling band.

But i ask myself how much i have heard from the winners of the countless band competitions so far, the answer is near zero. All i know are that so-and-so band won... YAY! ... but till date i've never heard their music or seen them on the papers or getting as much attention as Ronin or Electrico.

Thus... i have begun to treat band competitions as a leisurely way of sparring with other bands and learning more, instead of the magical gateway to stardom. Along the way we might get our band names heard and recognised, and thats about as much as we gain in terms of marketing the band.

This how i feel man... 8)

Ronin and Electrico are very hard working people who did a lot of marketing themselves. They are not spoon fed. I do seem to realise that people who win contests do seem to think that thats it, I dont have to slog anymore but that is the beginning of a very testing journey.

But seriously, I do not know how this thread turn out to be like this. All I can say is, those who are joining the contest, I will see you there. Join it cos you love music and love performing.

Anyways, I have sent a link to power98 with all your feedback. Hope they respond.
