Possible To Make Bass In Singapore?


New member
Hi Guys, Just Had This Awesome Thought, To Make My Own Bass In Singapore. Ordering My Parts From Warmoth. Got A Few Questions Thou.

1:Where Do I Get The Tools To Make The Bass
2:Can I Get A P Bass Pickup (Neck) And EMG Active (Bridge)
3:Can I Used A Fender Neck On It?
4:Difference Between Hollow And Solid For Bass?
5: And Lastly, If I Screw Up, Can I Go To Guitar Stores For Help?

Thanks Guys :D
my advise is dont mix pick up brands... specially on emg pickups...

emg pickups are very hot and will prolly not compliment a passive P bass pick up.

you can buy tools from www.stewmac.com/
What About Seymour Duncan Humbucker (Emg 35 size) For Bridge And Seymour Duncan Quarter Pound For Neck? :)
Technically yes but m not too sure it will sound the same as an MM for a few reasons:
1. pickup spacing. JJ would be spaced a wee bit further than MM.
2. MM will be inside 1 housing but JJs will be in 2 difference housing.
3. JJs will prolly have more windings than an MM because it is wired individually.
4. standard J's has 2 pole pieces so it will have 4 pole pieces on each string but MMs will only have 2 big pole pieces.

but m not really too sure how all these will affect the sound... thats why m really interested to hear what it would sound like :D