Popular Music and a "Sense of Place" in Singapore

and the hit single "Shameless self advertising" by divine9! (2008)

Fgl: j/k. couldnt resist it haha.
when we meet I give u autographed CD ... :mrgreen::D;)

also did a song called Sarong party Girl for the "Dam Stoopid Video" soundtrack
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You might wanna dig out another thesis written in 2006. I can't remember the title but it pertains to the music scene.

This one is a bit old?
Are there any of our bands out there writing Singapore-themed songs any more?

I can think of GSE's Siti in the City... any others?
The article is a little old, but proves it's point about social mindset being reflected in popular music -- isn't it always? At the same time, having a bunch of joke songs and ,thanks but no thanks, dick lee as the flagwaver for singapore music is a bit of a no-no for me.
ok foc for U & pagenfield


show up on the day (vocalist hang out) ...personally signed by me.... :D:mrgreen:;)
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hey i was quite surprised to see the title of the thread, coz i'm doing a project on the analysis of singapore music, and part of what is written in the journal will be for my reference.. but it is outdated and for a review, wat's past is past and we have new problems that we're facing now.. like segregation.. :)