Pool, Billards, Nine ball, Number ball

Hah. Billiards. It actually refers to all cue sports/games in general. But yeah there is English Billiards, which I never got the hang of. There are just so many types arghhhh.

I used to suck at 9 ball. I stick to playing 8. You should watch the billiards channel, some people can be really awesome. Snooker is more fun than 9 ball to me, you can finish a game fast especially because u just need to clear the reds first. That's sarcasm. Well, nothing beats cornering your opponent with an ugly angle.
yea.i do play nine balls usually.anyway where do you guys always play pool?i can't seem to find the best pool table with great cue sticks around here except the one at clementi beside the clementi stadium.
i used to play number ball a lot. its good for the wallet. or it used to be until i got so out of touch..... :(
re: Living this way..

count me in..

race to * racks..

fine by me..

btw, do cue sticks cost cheaper in thailand??

anyone knows?
wow ! i'm interest !! long time nvr play d !! almost em.. 3 or 4 years.. i join competition when i'm sec 2.. haha.. then quit snooker until now..
yea.i do play nine balls usually.anyway where do you guys always play pool?i can't seem to find the best pool table with great cue sticks around here except the one at clementi beside the clementi stadium.

There's one at Beauty World...Bukit Timah. Nice sticks though not the best table. But still good enough.
I use to play pool 3-4year back at Megapool (located at Marine Parade Centre) or Pool Haven.

Even spend on buying pool cue at Cue Shop & Serangoon Centre.

In the past, For my breakcue, i use kaiser which use to be a play cue but i change into hard tip at the cue shop for breaking. 2 of my play cue are Cuetec (some kind smiliar to Alison Fisher) & the other play cue is Palmer. Spend a bomb buy all that include the case.

On & off, i play at Katong Shopping Centre. The Table & the house cue are ok. So you guys, no harm trying out down there. Good place & less Ah Beng. Hahahahahaha.

Actually quite a regret buying influence by my friend & now kept inside the storeroom. Thinking wanna selling it out to get some guitar stuff.
me!!! i used to be farking gd in snooker... got placing in comps...
became hustler and collect money...

but 3-4 yrs no touch table... sad...

but i love conquering the pool table at clubs and see the looks on the faces of the ang mohs and ah bengs trying so hard
Hmm...I think I know what 'number ball' is but can someone enlighten me?

Yeah, I played pool when i was living in Aussieland for awhile. But ah, all my balls always fly out of the table! And one time it landed on my aunty's toes! OUCH! :???:

And one time, one of my young cousin was behind me & I didn't know & when i was playing, the pool stick poked him in his tiny stomach. :???: I had to read 'Snow White & The 7 Dwarfs' to him that night. :neutral:

But aiya, I can play la. Hee hee. :mrgreen:
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Hmm...I think I know what 'number ball' is but can someone enlighten me?

my fav cari makan game lol

number ball is like pool but play on snooker table with cards.
each play takes 7-8 cards, depends on the number of players.

before game, must agree on amount.
say 5/10... meaning bonus 5bux,game(win) 10bux

balls 14 n 15 are bonus. any1 pots them in,the rest have to pay him bonus amount each. after pot, put back at spot. depnds either black n brown spot or cushion.

game - if u pots the balls of ur cards in, u win lor. each person pay u the game amount.

there are many other rules...lazy to type lol

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