I was part of the student committee for Music Vox, and the committee was taken over by that lady. I'm very pissed about it actually.
Before this, there were three committee members, we were all open about heavy music, we let through a band that played Heavy Metal and another band, who had this little girl who could scream. Can't really say what genre they play cause they always did happy pop songs but turn them into heavy, screaming metal stuff.
Other than that, I'd say you'd benefit from your free 2 hr(used to be 3hr) jamming given as you can build up alot of things. However, beware of the 10 ton lady who will treat you like dirt in her eyes if you happen to just not be her "type".
Useful tip? Audition with a weakass song from some 80's rock and roll band, or a pretty lame emo-pop-punk-whine-hiss-pop music, and you get through...after that, PLAY WHAT YOU WANT. Well, as long as it's not gore or grindcore or stuff like that, heavy metal was approved during my time as committee so Judas Priest, Iron Maiden and all along those lines can be played

I mean, are you sure you want to play the most brutal metal to a bunch of poly students who only enjoy your music if you only played MCR, Alesana, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus or only listen to you because they want to be in the "in" scene. That's up to you.
But my suggestion is that you practice those brutal songs within the 2hr free jam, and perform those songs outside. For the shows within TP...it's not worth the extra effort.
I never had random girls flailing arms and approaching me after shows though, never saw any of them anywhere near Music Vox people unless we happen to join the crowd soon after. Even when I sang the national anthem to them, such a shame....
Maybe cause I can't melt people's faces with solos....
So don't let your hopes hang high cause you might just be shattered to realise that you are playing to a bunch of sniffling 17 year olds who wriggle and bounce in excitement as if they're on some hard drugs, when you have just mentioned the word "weed".
Not all 17 year olds are like that though.