POD XT or just Korg Ampworks (Guitar)


New member

Wanna get an amp modeller so can the good people of SOFT give me any comments on these two products:

Line 6 POD XT
Korg Ampworks (Guitar)

My situation:
1) Will be using it for home recording (no Live situation)
2) Am more concern which is better for metal guitar sounding. I am absolutely and extremely not into nice blues or jazz or whatever tone. Just maximum distortion and a minimum clean guitar for strumming
3) Already have a multi-efx and am quite happy with the disort sound it is processing but not their amp sim (its a Zoom GFX-4)
4) On a budget so care to give the local pricing too?

So yup, guess some of you may have used it before?

since you are on a budget, get ampworks, its ard 100+ at citymusic
the line 6 will be much more expensive
u want major chuga chuga and kick ass distortion metal style. the line 6 is hard to beat if u want that. the amp works isnt that good anyway neither is the pod xt live but hurhur metal distortion it will do.
on a budget? the alternative to the pod xt is the line 6 guitarport. same as the pod xt only that it requires a pc to use since the modeller is software based. $160@ citymusic.
Thanks guys. Anyway, how much is the Line 6 port POD XT at city music?Last price known ard 2 to 3 months ago will do. Though,I will take ciel comments on it not been so ummpphh amp sim into serious consideration.
i personally own a podxtlive. and yes. if you're into metal tones, go get the podxtlive. SGD600+ when i bought it 3 months ago.

1. Great Metal sounds. (mix the RAT distortion or the tube screamer with an amp distortion like the threadplate for the ultimate chugga chugga and shredding experience)

2. the ability to record through USB for maximum sound quality

3. compression, noise gate to reduce the extra buzzing noise from so much distortion

4. the ability to download patches and upgrades through usb. you can download tones that were created by other people too if you're unsure to use the pedal at the beginning.

5. lots of tonal mods. e.g the mixing of different cabs with different amps, different microphone positioning. blah blah.


1. the use of it trying to emulate pure blues/low distortion/overdrive is not recommended. because the amp modulations for the fender amps sound to fake/plastic/digital/too bright/no depth and the list goes on. HOWEVER, if you can find a good patch or if you're good at doing the tweakings to make it sound as close as possible to blues/jazz, then this should NOT be a prob for you.

2. there are lots of stompboxes and effects inside that you're never going to use unless you're some background music creator for games or movies. hahaha.

since you're into metal tones instead of blues tones, the podxt is the multi effects pedal for you =) i hope this helps.
KORG's Ampworks isn't a direct competitor to the POD XT. its modelling features are above average but it's very practice-grade. i'm using it for 'silent' practice at night...

OT here... there's always the el-CHEAPO Zoom GM200... hahaha... I used it for some cheapass direct recording once.

Thanks again all yer replies.

I think I made up my mind to get the Korg Ampworks and waste another 1 hundred bucks to get EMG pickups for my guitar OR bass (still thinking for this one, if its bass, will wanna get the Ampworks for bass too!).

Hey Adder, I have the GM200. Didn't used it for 2 years or so and then tried to use it again last week, it seems busted. Dunno man, need to test it again.

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