pls give me a metalcore distortion


New member
It can be an analog pedal or a digital multi-effects that will work with my passive humbuckers. No, i dont like the Boss metalcore.
MXR Fullbore Metal
ModTone Extreme Metal
ModTone High Gainer

or if you're looking for something interesting,
Electro-Harmonix Metal Muff

For me if i want a "metal-ish" sound i just on all my drives and overdrives at once.

Not sure about metalcore, but so far an overdrive + BOSS DS-1 sounds pretty good to me =)
Amptweaker Tight Metal would provide with the right amount of gain you need for such genre but I am just giving you a choice, cause there're so many pedals out there to try too.

The latest from Goosesoniqueworx seems to be a hit for heavy riffers too, go check that one out. It's called Kult.
what exactly is a genre metal core? :p Is it synonymous with this -->

I remember I had good results with a Visual Sound Hyde Distortion, Zoom Tri Metal and Crunchbox if I boost it with a Fulldrive or Bad Monkey. Gives me very very beefy saturated tone and can make my cheap $20 guitar sound like a stacked Marshall :twisted:
I've seen demos of the pedals that you guys suggested, but all seems to be too fuzzy or just sounds like a fizzy marshall amp.
Thanks guys, but i need more suggestions. I want to sound like Silverstein or underoath or wecameasromans
Boutique Boutique
Tone Czar Openhaus, Goosesoniqueworx Seventheaven, Weehbo Morbid Drive

Railhead Effects TUA, , MI Audio Tube Zone, Wampler SLOstortion, Wampler Triple Wreck

Biyang Metal End King, Beta Aivin HM-200, Shark Warzy

You want heavy demos check out:
+1 for the Goosoniqueworx Seventheaven

It has ended my search for distortion pedals. The only one that can replace it is......another Seventheaven, like the new version that just came out this month. I believe Ebenex carries them.
This. The Lijiang looks good.
i own the newest 7thvn, really thumbs up to this guy, sounds really sick! but for metal sounds, like the really heavy stuff, get the Kult, i believe it will make you satisfied :D, the 7thvn is really versatile, you can get metal tones too and even stack it with another pedal to get a more killer sound :)