PLEASE REMOVE word Length search!


New member
Admin, the Min. 4 character word lenght is Really Buggy and doesn't allow for Searches such as :


and its Really hard to find the Threads
i agree on this... was trying things like POD... GT8... MIJ... all cant due to the word length... if this could be remove.. it would be more easier to search for stuffs.. and maybe ppl would stop putting up the same post on the same things :)!!
how bout

1) epiphone dot
2) gibson/epiphone sg
3) line 6 pod xt
4) boss gt-8
5) gibson/epiphone/greco/burny/lawsuit LP/lespaul
6) boss MIJ pedals

can we write longer or help to contribute a bit of money for the running of the site with changes?

So long as there are 4 characters or less in the phrase, the search will not function.
mwahahaha, my bad. Thats a quirky criteria for search. Lets heard from the moderator whats the reason its there in the first place.

after thats, lets contribute a bit of money each to help fund this site, so that we can bitch more!
To search for a 3 letter word, put an * after the word.

eg. vox* or dot* or rev*

It works for me, and should for you as well.

As for sg, dunno. Maybe **. Someone try that and let me know.
This problem is solved with the new Google powered search. It is at top of the page.