Please help give feedback for project!

Hello SOFTies!

I'm a student from HCJC and am currently doing a project on electronic waste management in Singapore (for project work actually), and would like to gather some feedback on our proposed approach towards the large volumes of CDs and DVDs as e-waste in Singapore.

Here's our initiative:
Instead of selling typical CD albums which mostly becomes e-waste after being imported into iTunes (the bad thing is that they cant be recycled), we kinda thought that we could allow customers to bring their own portable harddisk drive, and have the songs transferred to their HDD upon payment (could be through an automated machine or over the counter), hence eliminating the use of CDs or DVDs.

We understand there could be issues like the efficiency and copyright infringement, but rest assured we will take care of it. Also, you may ask what's the difference from buying on iTunes - firstly it doesnt require credit cards (for students), secondly you can still get freebies (posters and such), and you get the feeling of shopping (dont bother if you dont get it).

We hope you can give us your honest feedback on the initiative and would really appreciate it. Thanks!
Save the harddisk. At point of purchase, user's online account will be credited with the song which he/she can stream/download anytime. One account, multiple device playback.
The problem with James Soft's proposal is that streaming and data centres are not environmentally friendly.

One idea is to enhance the 2nd hand CD stores in Singapore, so as to reuse CDs.
OP.. forget it..!! I was in a team that did a project for something like that.. it doesn't work..!! Really!! NO!!.
Record Labels won't allow that, it's pure suicide.. though the situation is already suicidal.. but they won't agree to it..
I know a HMV person, those guys were thinking of the same thing, NOPE... not approve..
It will kill the music industry straight out..
You say you will pay for HDD copy.. yeah.. then your friends copy it all.. bye bye, artist.. why bother to make anymore new songs???
Who cares about recycling??? Don't you know??? Bloody greenies keep telling you the world is dying becos of the trees being cut down.. pure nonsense.. pure fake.. lies.. to the utmost..!! Green movement doesn't know anything.. have they studied, or are they just pure fanatics fighting for a movement they really don't know anything about???? No, the world is not changing because of trees being cut down.. the world is changing because the whole solar system is changing.. read more, you will find out..!!!
Mars is getting hotter..
Jupiter has another red spot...
on and on...
Stop stepping on things that are not real.. be real..

You are probably just as informed as the greenies you show such disdain for. Any effort to be less of a strain on our surroundings sounds good to me, as long as that's the goal. If it's just a cover for a political agenda, then I would also disapprove, of course.
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Mr Calvin Nam, Music Producer and Environmental Expert?

Anyway to the OP, like James said, harddisk not viable. Waiting time for transfer, problems with customers' harddisks, too many factors that can go wrong for you to prepare for.

At least for myself, I don't buy albums for the CD itself, but for the additional things like album art and booklet and whatever things they stuff inside the box. If there's no physical product at all, I wouldn't go to the shop when I can just as easily download from iTunes at home. I just rip the CD once, or sometimes the CD includes a download link so I don't even have to take the CD out of the case ever.

Credit card is a non-issue as almost anyone can have a Visa/Mastercard-enabled debit card on their normal savings account at POSB/OCBC nowadays. You don't need to be a working adult to buy online.
Sounds like a good idea ! Being a music lover who purchases CD albums quite regularly , I constantly find myself in a difficult situation where I have too little space for my albums ! I buy albums for the goodies that come with it , such as the nicely decorated lyrical booklet and the posters and freebies that come with it so I guess if you still give them away if we download the music onto our HDD I'll be willing to try out such a strategy to reduce E-Waste . I think one download per user should be fine , but the download must be transferable between a few music devices since I own a Nano , iTouch and iPhone . But in all , great idea !
Hey! I wouldn't say that the idea ain't feasible. In fact, it is commendable since it is environmentally friendly. Undeniably, the issue is still piracy.

However, we shouldn't forget the fact that piracy has long been an issue. Are you saying that people aren't burning CDs for their friends? So what if Record Companies are producing CDs. All it takes is for one friend to buy and the whole clique can share the CDs. The thing is, whether we are using HDD or CD, piracy will still post a problem. Therefore, the idea is by changing to HDD, it can help reduce the amount of E-waste created. Therefore, I am supportive of the idea.

As for piracy, I believe that it is another issue that all companies are facing and will have a problem solving it.

Thats all. Sayonara~
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As for me, I usually purchase CDs for the album art, posters, etc. and once i rip my CDs i don't use them anymore. I think it's commendable that you guys are addressing this issue because it's really generating lots of waste! however, i m doubtful of the hard disk idea... cos wouldn't the hard disk itself be considered as an electronic waste? So i m supportive of the idea of having some sort of online system where i can download it back home after buying it at a shop. I get my songs and the album arts without the CDs! &that would reduce much of the waste generated. so thats for reduction wise and i also agree with the idea of having 2nd hand CD stores as well cos not only is it recycling/reusing but also cater to those who really collect CDs as a hobby/truly want the CD itself and uses it frequently.

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