Please give advice


New member
Hi Softies,
I have a couple of tracks that needed some, hmm actually a lot of advice from the experience ppl who had done mixing and mastering.
So lets say this 2 tracks are my mastered tracks, what will be your advice or comments?
FYI some instruments are live some are samples. And maybe can ignore the vocals cause its done with a really old mic ( not condensers).

Thanks for you ears. Hope to learn a lot from this.
Reverb not well used. Sound balancing of instrument not well thought in every phase of music. But it is sellable demo.

hi thanks for commenting kongwee. Do u mean I should apply more reverb or my application of reverb is insufficient?
If I am not wrong all your track have reverb right?
Remove all reverb plug in every track.
Open a bus or aux with a reverb plug in.
All your track will spend pre signal to that bus.
Normally you will dial a very high volume from the track channel strip's send

When you do that correctly, you pull your volume all the way down on one of track and that track sound very far away.
When you volume up you will sense it getting near and near.
The down side it is very hard to do dynamics control.

Plus side, you hear direct track sound with sense of space.

I learn with this link:
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Thank you kongwee for the link. Thats a great tutorial. Trying to remix the songs following closely to your advise.

Cheers man.
May want to watch your volume levels. A bit uneven e.g. second chorus at 2:42 for first song on myspace seems to be softer than verse. Try to emphasize your structure more in your mix by making the chorus louder or denser.

Try double tracking your vocals for the chorus. Put a nice plate reverb on it. Your current verb doesn't sound too nice.

I think your stereo is pretty settled. Do mono the bass though if you haven't.

Probably your verb is too heavy like Kong Wee mentioned.

Can't comment much on the frequency balance though due to low quality of myspace.

I think the drums can be better compressed. They don't seem to have much impact. Try an attack of 3-5 ms, a quick release and hard knee. Maybe some parallel compression also.
squarehero => Thank you very much for your kind asdvise and comments. Yup i also felt that the drum tracks lack punch. Will get right to it immediately
Then later i'll try to duplicate the vocal track. But i'm not too sure what to do with the duplicate track.
Could you please advise me what to mix with the duplicated vox track.
And i will try to reduce more of the reverb.

Any more comments that you guys think i should be receiving?
If the music i am listening is Breathe Again by LanCe is the music that u are talking about, man u have so much of musical & creative potential! Put the mixing aside, let the pros do the magic touch, your music has lots energy man!! Its also radio friendly as well.
Guitar solo has lots of feel, vocal has the range to fit the music dynamics.
You shld focus on yr music making & package it!
"i wanna feel, wanna breathe, i wanna....keeps the motif & riff going but dun lose the energy. I actually listen about 3 times (which i seldom do) becos musically it flows man!

Great job man! Am happy for you.
Hope a good record producer will find you.


Hey VCO, thanks a lot for your encouraging words. It really put me in a different perspective. I will try my best to expose myself to producers who are searching for this type of music.

Thanks. And have a wonderfill day.
hi, if u wanna try out some good mics, go to Adelphi #04-10 something like that, shop name is Jaben pro & look for tis chap call willis. he will let u test microphone til u happy. no buy also OK. cheers!

Hey VCO, thanks a lot for your encouraging words. It really put me in a different perspective. I will try my best to expose myself to producers who are searching for this type of music.

Thanks. And have a wonderfill day.
Hi Softies,
I have a couple of tracks that needed some, hmm actually a lot of advice from the experience ppl who had done mixing and mastering.
So lets say this 2 tracks are my mastered tracks, what will be your advice or comments?
FYI some instruments are live some are samples. And maybe can ignore the vocals cause its done with a really old mic ( not condensers).

Thanks for you ears. Hope to learn a lot from this.

Sorry dude, what's your issue with the mixes again?

They have their own style, uniqueness, and definitely sonics. I listened to 'Breathe Again' + 'Angel', both are highly owned.

To begin with, your fusion of various musical styles worked out rather interestingly, and created an exciting, but pretty full arrangement. I think this was where the problem started.

When we mix, we usually reference to our favorite commercial pieces. I don't think you have anything along those lines to compare to, in terms of music genres. So when you start referencing to genre-specific music, you cannot attain that particular feel for that genre alone. Instead, you end up trying to make latino sound acoustic rock, then pop rock sound something else, ending up with something you aren't very sure of.

If they had been 'mastered' by someone else, poor job definitely, cos they were too soft, and lacked basic punches.

If they are just final mixes, mastering will tighten both songs seamlessly.

To clarify, final mixes are used during mastering. To 'final mix' a track is to make the individual parts come together as one, achieving spectrum, space, and tones. To 'master' a track is to make them broadcast ready, achieving correct levels, frequency bandwidths and sonics. I think you need to be sure what you are asking: are the mixes okay? or are the arrangements okay?

Dude, you've got good stuff. =)
thanks for advice

Hey man thanks for your comments. Will surely try to analyze your comments and hopefully find some enlightenment.

Have a nice day...