Please clear your PM inbox, outbox, sentbox and savebox


OK people. Let's help out SOFT. Everybody please clear unwanted PMs that's been sitting around for a while.

I just realised that there's an outbox. I only just found out I've got lots of old sent PMs inside. So if anybody (like me - blur and didn't know it existed) has messages there, please try to clear them. Same for the Sent box and the Save box.

I think the PM function helps us communicate faster and better within SOFT. But let's not take advantage of this free service. Remember it is not email - we can do that with other free email services. It is also not "chat" - you can use MSN etc. Let's keep it to what it is meant to be - MESSAGE box and related to SOFT.

Let's be fair to James who is paying for the hosting, and free up the storage space.
Cheez said:
I just realised that there's an outbox. I only just found out I've got lots of old sent PMs inside.

I thought those PM in Outbox will be moved to Sentbox after the receipient read the PM...
mingguan said:
I thought those PM in Outbox will be moved to Sentbox after the receipient read the PM...

Doesn't matter which one. As long as the XX-boxes are cleared.

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