platform for drumset


New member
hi guys,
currently i am having a drumset with minimal sound proofing such as carpet and enclosed room. where can i get decent short platforms? will that be effective to bring down the vibrations of the bass drum?
a plain platform won do any good. You might wanna stuff rubber mat or other sound-absorbing material under the platform to minimize the vibration and sound leaking problems.. Just my opinion bro :lol:

Hey (wooops) Weckish
I agree with both of u.
I gather you need to minimise the bass drum from the neighbour below? I agree with you on the platform, a space between the drum and the floor does a lot of good, plus if you add the rubber matting on both planes, Sweet I would say....unless you got a sensitive neighbour. And talk to the neighbour, work out a timing that he would less likely be in and u practise. Win win.


An oh yes I forgot to add this. To built one via a contractor it would be about 700 to 1k if I do remember correctly.
i think can buy smth smth from ikea and DIY build 1 rite?haha i tink only la...not sure...jux guessing... :lol:
haha.. tts wad im gonna do, buy 8 coffee tables frm ikea, but, i dunno, my main purpose of this is to make a little stage.. haha,
i'm also facing the problem of muffling my drum kit! I need to muffle for my family's sake and my neighbour's cos I live in a semi-detached house. and I can't even find any suitable carpets. building a platform's not an option either. cos the room my kit will be in isn't big enough. any recommendations on where to buy carpets?

mayb a yoga mat can help it thicker then normal carpet and there are actually some air in in some sound proofing oso....just my opinion to you :D