Pics of your band live!

kil em allll


the stage may not be awesome, but


the crowd is really one hell of a crowd.
said to have more than 5000 strong crowd for the National Day at Fort Canning last year. That Nite was really sumthing. The energy the vibes and hell yeah those screaming people wanting more.Now i knoe wat Metallica and all the other big guns were feeling all this time.

[soft: i have uploaded your pix to the gallery and resized it, SOFTies can now upload pix to the SOFTies Stuff album]
Yup.. those were the days..

Laughter, adrenaline, lethargic, anxiety and nervousness all are rolled into one..

But the moment U hit the stage and the first song blasted thorugh the damn speaker.. Oh boy!!! U know u are in for a joyride!! :twisted:
Oh my... You guys explain it like it's heavenly performing up on stage... Can't wait to experience my first gig performance, which I'm not sure when that is... Sigh...

So how does it first feel like performing on the stage?
of all the good bands listed here, i only heard of Pulse which i happen to chance upon at Istana. Would say they rocks!!!! :partyman:

Another one is called Little Green something.... not too bad too... 8)
thanks alot dude! we really feel flatterd :oops: we are glad that you like our music, it really makes the long hours of practise feel worth while :) We have writen a few new songs and we will head down to do a live recording of the tracks before we start recording on multi track in june. Mucho Gracias Amano!

Btw our forums are currently down due to bandwidth overload. just check our news section for more updates if youd like.

ps. the name of the other band is Little Green frog, very happening bunch of peeps. they play rocking tunes man!

Feel the pulse
Btw our forums are currently down due to bandwidth overload. just check our news section for more updates if youd like.

Will definitely check the web once its totally up and running....
thanks dude....

I would say, your band has potential, just that no one
know about it at this moment... i think you guys will
make it big in the coming years... keep it up... :supz:

Will always support local band(s)...... bravo!!!!
sofyan said:
cool pic man, did u guys win??

nah... the pic was taken at the finals but we didn't win. Bay Area Rock Blasta won... and they were pretty damn good IMO. Very deserving winner.

we did go home with a little consolation though. at least we won something... 8)

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