Pickup Blend Problem


New member

I have a bass with a P/J configuration. The pickups are Bill Lawrence P-46 and J-45 models. Configuration is V/V/T/T passive.

The pickups do not blend gradually. If using one pickup by itself, the volume increment / decrement is constant. When either pickup is full up, the "blending in" pickup does nothing for 80% of the pot's travel before suddenly kicking in.
Is this an inherent problem with the P/J setup? I was told that "all P/J's will be like that if employing a V/V/T/T system.

I would rather not add an onboard preamp. Is it possible to get the bass wired up V/V/T/T with gradual pickup blend? Also, is it possible to get a passive V/Blend/T/T setup going?

I am assuming that 250K is the correct pot value as they are what is on at the moment.

I would appreciate any advice any tech-savvy forum members might have.


If i'm not wrong, your pot is prob not the linear kind. There are some basses that use the other type of pot that are like "exponential" increment - very mild for most parts, and rises steeply at the end.

You can consider changing your pots to those with a linear range.

I'm not too tech savvy.. so these are just my 2 cents.

It should be pretty alright to get a VBTT setup going but I've never seen one in action before, though. VBT setups are more common and are probably easier to wire as well.

Are your pots audio taper?

Also, one thing to take note of on passive blend circuts is that the blend only really works for about 20% either way... the rolloff after that isn't very constant. I suppose it's an inherent thing but I'm not an audio tech.

250K is fine. If you want a lot more zing, try 500k or 1meg pots :D
Thanks guys...perhaps it is an inherent problem after all. Just a when I'm trying to get a bridge sound and all of a sudden the bottom end drops out and it gets really barky all of a sudden.

So am I right to assume that, if I were to mount an onboard OBP-1 with VVTB, the blend problem will remain?

Will pot value affect blend? I know it affects tone, but I usually run the bridge pickup full up and blend out the front pickup depending on situation, so getting a gradual blend is very important to me.
Like Regi and Josh said,

Its inherent. Personally I've yet to see a passive blend that's gradual from 0-100. Only active circuits.
didnt see your last post. I think you need to change to a V/Blend/Tone to achieve that smooth graduation in pickup blending.
Generally you can use any value. A lower capacitance will lend a warmer sound. Most people see it as - Humbuckers (use 500k), Single Coils (use 250k).