Piano Teacher


New member
Hey, there! My name’s Ruth and I am a part-time piano teacher. I have taught for a little over one year. By the 1st of May, I would have taken my DipLCM, which is equivalent to having studied at the first year of the London College of Music. I can be contacted at 92464858 or ruthgracetan@gmail.com. I teach from ages six and up, although, preferably not adult males. Lessons will begin in the month of May! :D

The following are the fees for the various grades:
Beginners - $120/month for ½ hour/lesson
Grade 1 - $130/month for 45 mins./lesson
Grade 2 - $150/month for 45mins./lesson
Grade 3 - $160/month for 45 mins./lesson
Grade 4 - $170/month for 45smins./lesson
Grade 5 - $190/month for 45mins./lesson

*Lessons will be held at my home, which is at Bukit Panjang.
*Fees are to be given on the first lesson of every month.
*There will be lesson if there be a fifth week, no extra cost.
*There will be no lesson if there is a holiday on that lesson day.
*There will be no make up if a student falls sick.
*However, there will be a one makeup lesson if a student misses two weeks due to two weeks of being sick, or if there was a holiday the week before, and the student fell sick and couldn’t attend on the next week. (It’s happened to one of my students before!)
*Two weeks of no lesson in June and December. (Only half a month’s fee will be paid for this each of these two months.)

Here is what some students’ parents have said to me:)

“Jun Heng has enjoyed his piano lessons so much so that he is actually excited to come for piano class!” – Madam Ang

“…Joris’s has really enjoyed his lessons!...” – Sanders

“Neffy has been so enthusiastic with her piano classes that we have stopped her ballet classes to let her focus on piano.” – Mrs. Rose

- - - Updated - - -

Oh, yes, I do prepare students for practical exams also!
I charge the same price for those who are preparing for practical exam. And all the lessons - regardless if they are taking exam or not - are inclusive of theory lessons.
Slots still available! By the way, please take note that I have changed my number: 82284082
ARGH! There seems to be something wrong with my phone in that, whenever anyone calls - even if it is in my contact list, it will be stated as unknown. So, kindly please drop me a text instead of calling...as, I cannot call back an "unknown" number.