phone thief


New member
yesterday at Rebel, my friend felt someone groping his pockets when we were moving into the dancefloor. seconds later he realised that his iphone had been stolen right from his front pocket. we went around looking for the guy who my friend suspected was the thief but to no avail. After reporting to the club management, we went to make a police report.
I'm disgusted by the theft! So guys be careful of your phone or wallets in the clubs, even if its in your front pockets!
either your friend was pissed drunk , has front pockets whose depth is 5cm to have his iphone stolen like that, or the pickpocket's so highly skilled your friend should be glad his genitals are still intact.

so in general softies, be careful, better save the cash for GASing instead of drinking and clubbing admission fees.
this is why you should never get carried away to anything. remember to secure your pockets and valuables, even if its going to interrupt your dancing.
lol, one dude's trying to warn people, and everyone made a joke out of it. haha

it's hilarious.

get those pockets with a zip, and maybe a lock... and perhaps a little more time will be needed to pick that lock. haha. i mean c'mon, if someone's reaching into my pants, i'm sure to notice, wouldn't you?
i used to have a habit of "educational" pickpocketing my friend's / the girl i'm datin's stuff to return them later when they discover it missing and teach them not to be careless when I'm/I'm not around heheh. although they give the "eh I trust you mah, I expect u to help jaga" excuse, I will always have to tell them "don't expect from me , I aim to disappoint."

In return, what I gain is the state of awareness : a person who knows how to pickpocket will highly unlikely to be a victim of his own trade.

P.S : do not practise pickpocketing on perfect strangers, or take already don't return/admit, that's literally setting your ass on fire.
if a guy try to reach down my front pocket, he better be ready to bend down with his rear pocket down!
This is great.The topics here never fail to relate to the purpose of this section.

Why is your friend so smart not check in/lock into a locker when clubbing?To make matters worse its an iPhone.

Well I had a friend who was pissed drunk and was lying down on the floor in the toilet cubicle.Out from nowhere an iPhone dropped beside him from the next cubicle and he gladly return the phone to the unaware owner.

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