Perfect Pitch

oh yar i got to add i have a friend who can tell the white keys but not those that have sharps or flats. btw how do we train perfect pitch aniway?

maybe not perfect but train to hear the notes and differiante the frequencies. ha for a guy to hear the note of a the construction site piling machine the elevator's bell when it reached a level etc. that must be a bit of craziness but well i heard of pple who tell me about pple who have those ability. STRANGE!!!
for me I find it difficult to distinguish things like C from C#
like the note that's 2 fret away I can tell but hardly the note 1 fret away.

but what got that let us know about perfect pitch its just phrase differences?!!!

i mean that just distinguish us from the tone deaf and those who can hear the tone thats all. i guess :wink:
if you can tell what key you fart in, what key the motorcycle is vrooming in, then you probably would have attained it.

absolute pitch is not common. but from the looks of this thread it's like degree holders. figure's about 1 in every 100,000. that makes 40 in sg, max.

but of course, practice makes permanent.
Bwahahaha, I cannot believe I got 83.3%. Hahaha...

Okay, I can usually tell that 2 phrases are different. What notes? No idea. :lol:
turbochicken said:
if you can tell what key you fart in, what key the motorcycle is vrooming in, then you probably would have attained it.

lol....was alighting the mrt one time and heard a faint G note while the train was making its way out..


cant be....
In my opinion, it's not an accurate test at all. Some of the differences are so obvious, even an untrained person can tell the drastic difference.

Tone consciousness requires also an additional task - that is to be able to label what tone to which alphabet, not just the difference between 2 sets of sounds. If that's included, I will fail like mad. LOL! I have long forgotten all the alphabets and stuffs.
