people who can't take No for an ans


New member
This happened last nite and it has been bothering
so here is a let out
bear wth the details / its gona be long

abt a month ago i put a ad in soft looking for a bassist and drummer specifically for a big gig which was coming up cos some of the members in my band was tied up and could't make the gig
was also stated in the ad thet we play ROOTS REGGAE
and i also mentioned that if you paly anthing else we can try to work it out
so this guy ( lets call him X) called up and said he was intersted and he coud mimic reggae voice. so i told him that we will be jammin sometime the following week and i will get him the details on the songs we play
and X was ok but you guys should really hear me out live PLS PLS
(literally saying PLS PLS ),so i said hold your horses and i'll get back to you
the next day at abt 1am in the morning he sms me again saying "you guys should really hear me out Pls i always wanted to sing in a reggae band)
i just brushed it off thinking maybe this guy just wants this real bad

time went by and it was time to try the guy out so i gave him the songs and where we were jaming (fourtones)he said he can't make it on that day but i said that we are all working adults and we can only jam on that day so he said i'll make it BUT
he said he didn't noe where the place was and i told him that it was some where in the boat quay area
so he said fine i'll be there
soon after that he sms me saying "hey There is a jam N hop happening at my sch do you guys wanna join and can i be the singer"
Ok thats when the weirdo alert started and i was thinking to my self WTF you haven even tried out for the band yet and suddely you want us to join something and you will be the SINGER?
to put it in a nice way i told him that its a decision that the band had to make not just me

Jamming day came X smsed me saying hey i'll be late can i see you an hour later from te time you guys start
i was fine with that and told him to get to the studio and call me
BUT X could not even find the studio and he kept callin me while i was jammin i tried to pick some of his 27 missed calls and gave him directions, even my present vocal gave him directions and he STILL not find the place while soem ladies from esplanade who did not noe the place came over with just the address given to them
so to cut the story short we meet him after jamming
so we were asking wats you influences like and he kept saying anything
,whats do you wanna sing for us ,ANYTHING ,do you listen to ROOTS reggae,NO i listen to Reggaeton which was totally out of our genre
and it was clearly stated ROOTS REGGAE not Reggeton
anyway he sang and his voice was not wat we were looking for
we told him abt our band.... ok so here comings teh pissing off part
my band consist of muslims and we do some jews reggae that kinda praises te jews god
not an issue to us as we are open minded and we do it for the love of music and not let religion get in between music
so we told him we will get back to him after we dicussed and we decided that he wn't suit our style

X smsed me last nit to see if he is in
i tried to be nice and said Dude you not realy wat we are looking for
and X replyed Y? is it my attidute/Voice
i said it your voice it won't suit
so he started saying things like you really have to hear me out i'll bring my guitar next time i realy can do this pls give me a another try PLs
hearing this i need to let him hear the truth
X was unprepared,he was not sure wat he wanted to sing ,he did not noe the genre that he was getting himself in too,he was late for jamming,he coud not even find the place ..... Xreplyed but you guys got it all wrong
all i could say was the it was the band that decided and i have no rite to tell otherwise
and he got back awhile later saying the we were old and we should understand that he was new to the jamming thing so he coud'nt find the plac and that he jsut passed his bike licence and riding there was a problem and that he was calling me in btween MY JAMMIN SESSION
but this was wat really pissed me off
The exact words he smsed
Tell the muslim guys in your band to praise more to our own god than the jews....its wrong... i noe its just a song but every praise can make you losse your faith n directions to religion..... The worlds to end....
Piece of S#!T.... wat rite does he have to say wat my band sings
the muslims in my band are very religious and are married responsible ppl
we just don't let religionbe a barrier with our music
Music is universal...
i tried calling the A##hole up but he woldn't pick up so i left him a piece of my mind via sms

Y can't ppl just take No for an ans
i'm sure there will be other bands thats more suited for him
and if you are so close minded with wat other bands do then keep to your circle..... don't bring it to mine as our sins is for us rto bear and not any1 elses.... if you are are willing to pay the price ( if it is even a sin) then go ahead and talk
if not Zip that Second A##hole of your UP

so sorry for the long storry .... had to let it out before i start my day
that guy is an ass but isn't the god of judaism, christianity and islam basically the same
yea, it's pretty much the same as they branched out from Abraham/Ibrahim. He's the father of the three faiths. ok, like stickman said, we shouldn't be discussing religion here, do pardon me for this

X is immatured la, seems like he just wants the 'glory' of being the frontman of a good band.
lol to threadstarter: if it's getting fishy already, just play ignore therapy! :D i would've ignored him right from the Jam n Hop part.

and yes i feel the need to re-emphasise NOT to touch on any red button topics here.
Give me his number. I make sure i screw him up for you,and then blacklist him in my hp.

As if he knows which god is which,could be too young and drinking milk.

what a character! haha!

Anyway babs, this maybe a bit out of point, but I just wanna ask; when you say your band plays religious Jewish reggae, are you guys talking about Matisyahu?

Matisyahu is great!


man, I totally forgot about Matisyahu. those guys are awesome, they should come down here for a gig!
THANKS for the intro!

Matisyahu = Beautiful!

Marley may be in heaven. Rejoice!

Matisyahu = Beautiful!
he's amazing!

when i 1st got his album, i had it on constant repeat in my iPod.

gave my friend a headache, but i didn't care. haha!
my band covers Matisyahu
songs like king without a crown that contains regilous aspects
but wat the hell man thier music ROCKS!!!!

for those who wanted to screw him up i don't think its advisable to give his number up here

but some of you guys from NYP might now him
my frens from there immediate knew who he was when i described him
as mentioned he is from NYP
blond hair
blue contacts
also ard with a acoustic guiter singing
he said is name was MIKAH but i don't think thats for real
lol everything sounds damn funny... but i feel sorry for u the threadstarter, just take it that shit happens man. I mean we sure have met with ppl like that all the time, well i hope ppl don take this in the wrong way but i share my exp too,

i go to church sometimes lah, so got once in church got to know this guy i dunno where he from one never see him b4, so he kept talking to me abt christianity n other stuff which is ok lah then he ask for my no, last time got no hp one so i give my house no lo. i was having school hols n stayed in tampines n i always go downstairs to play football with a bunch of neighbours from afternoon to evening. then when i got home, my sis was screaming mad, "boy this guy kept calling u! he say he is so n so (the guy from church lah) and kept calling n calling and when i told him u not in, he actualli said i bluff...WTF! and kept assking when u will be home n all" and the phone rang n it was HIM again!!!! i pick up n ask why is there an emergency? and i cannot rem wat he said but he just started talking to me like nothing happen and i realise hey there is something wrong with him... true enuff for a few days my phone kept ringing n ringing n its always him n i always have to tell him don keep calling until i cannot take it already then started cursing n swearing, (its not nice to do that to ppl in church lah we always tend to be more mindful if u know what i mean) then he finally stop. wa lau aye cannot make it.

I think that guy that the threadstarter came into contact with one rite also got this kinda problem. definitely not normal. reggaeton sounds like putting hip hop into reggae n destroying the beautiful soul of it man.

reggae rocks , but reggaeton not sorry but thats my opinion hahaha
Rock on babs!!

My favorite is the song Youth, AMAZING intro!

I believe we shouldn't let these people get us angry, and stir up our blood lust;
their personal world view is probably set in stone and no matter what we do, we can't change them.

They do however, make excellent meal time conversation topics! I believe we should turn such misadventures into something that we can laugh about.

That's how i get by with such people.

hey marilyn

i noe how you must have felt at that time dude
This guy X freaked the living daylights out of my band when we meet up with him
He even came prepared to show us CARD TRICKS for the auditions
can you believe that
who comes to try out for a band with a pack of cards
hey marilyn

i noe how you must have felt at that time dude
This guy X freaked the living daylights out of my band when we meet up with him
He even came prepared to show us CARD TRICKS for the auditions
can you believe that
who comes to try out for a band with a pack of cards

wassup brah....

hello guys!

yeah i am the present vocalist fro babs band and i have to say this guy is nuts!


by the way, the mr x was saying that i should be a better muslim when he shows up wearing a tshirt with weed all over and has blond hair.

blond hair???

isnt that a sin on its own?

to me its ok cos weird people are everywhere....

but i feel for bab cos this guy is like so persistent...

and yeah the card trick was super duper weird!!!

anyways mr x if you are reading this, when you see me, come over and say hi, then run, cos i will be singing " i shot the sheriff" all over you!

and by the way, thats not a daddy yankee song!