Ah... lets see. Its been a few years since I've listened to you, thought I'll update myself and check you out again.
I think you are still the same - very safe, normal playing. Good techique but its a rehash of a lot of good guitarists out there.
Its your "style"... nothing more to say actually - Its just good playing but nothing interesting/new/innovative, which is probably not your aim hmmm?
And note, its not you, i do find other impressive players like Kiko Loureiro/JP/Malmy, to be very boring - i can't finish listening to Kiko's No Gravity album in 1 sitting.
Regarding the DS-1 line in thing, I don't believe its like that but its been your trademark for years so yeap, its your "speciality" I suppose. Can't even get decent sounding power chords from a DS-1 direct, I don't see how you can achieve that smooth, grain-less tone that is inherent when you run a ds1 direct.