Pentatonic usage improv jam - dhalif



my comment is ure a great player im not impressed with someone who can play super fast. BUT u can play fast and i love your bendings and vibratos it fits in very well, ure the few guitarists in this forum who kinda impressed me. keep it up :).
thanks for taking the time to view my post/video.. recently i've been busy with army and stuff.. so yeah heres just a little something i put up after a long time.. pretty slack already.. thanks again guys \m/
great playing as always, liffo! And i notice the ring! :twisted:

Wear more! Weight training abit!
Ah... lets see. Its been a few years since I've listened to you, thought I'll update myself and check you out again.

I think you are still the same - very safe, normal playing. Good techique but its a rehash of a lot of good guitarists out there.

Its your "style"... nothing more to say actually - Its just good playing but nothing interesting/new/innovative, which is probably not your aim hmmm?

And note, its not you, i do find other impressive players like Kiko Loureiro/JP/Malmy, to be very boring - i can't finish listening to Kiko's No Gravity album in 1 sitting.

Regarding the DS-1 line in thing, I don't believe its like that but its been your trademark for years so yeap, its your "speciality" I suppose. Can't even get decent sounding power chords from a DS-1 direct, I don't see how you can achieve that smooth, grain-less tone that is inherent when you run a ds1 direct.
I would love to know your secret...of getting that tone thru a ds-1 into would save me a lotta money :lol:
ds1 tone eh...
hmm guys look at the way he pick the notes ...thats where the tone comes from..and also the gain is set low...

nice playing and you hav mature as a "young" gitar player ..:)
ps...when getting married...???still can play gitar or not after that ..heh .:)