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does anyone knows wher to get effect pedals at reasonable price?? and what r da recommendations for distortion pedals.
hi, juz wanna ask, wad do u ppl tink of the digitech factory distortion pedal? i tried it ytd, & even at distortion lvl 7 e distortion wasnt as gd as e built in distortion in a peavey transtube amp, in fact the pedal distortion was quite mild. any comments?
well, if you wanna try something else other than the digitech factory distortion, u might wanna try an ubermetal, i've been using it for a year now, so far im happy with the amount of dist. im getting... :D

if you are refering to the DF-7 above- i can't bring myself to like it either. in any case, it's true to its name, 'distortion', which is nothing intense. if you have to own an intense distortion type by the same manufacturer, i'd recommend you check out the Metal Master/ Death Metal.
just get a VisualSound Jekyll and Hyde Ultimate Overdrive from guitar77 or mrmisse. it costs 250. its the closest u get 2 boutique at tt kind price. it goes from blues 2 metal.
its really hard to find a pedal which can copy an amp in terms of distortion pedals. if ure really after something for drive id suggest modelling effects like pod and vox but even those have their limitation when compared to the actual stuff. hope this helps.

and yes id back subversion on the metal master by digitech. that one really has a nice amount of gain and a really huge almost rectifier kinda sound. only thing is its a pretty much one trick pedal but a hella good trick it does :D
I've been using a sansamp gt2 for almost 7 years..So far I'm able to dial the tones I need anywhere between "about to breakup" to heavy metal..Go give it a try to see if it fits your application.
actually i just want a real heavy distort that has alotta crunch when palm muting.. any other recommendations besides digitech DF7.
dime distortion is by mxr. Go to the jim dunlop website for more info on the pedal. Seems to be used by quite a lot of metal/hardrock bands according to mxr. I own 1 myself.

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