Pedalboard For Noobs


New member
Hey, guys.

What's a good overall pedalboard for a noob guitarist, which has the basics like distortion, volume pedal, wah pedal, echo, flanger and all that shiet?

Something inexpensive, pre-owned also can.

What's a good one with a big indicator that can be seen easily while standing?

you talking about analog pedalboards or multi-efx?

analog pedalboards are somehow a lot easier for me to use, so i got rid of any multi-efx i had long ago x)
If you just want something cheap, check out modtone, biyang, beta aivin, behringer. You can see the LED of most pedals when standing up.

Davis and SV at Penin have quite a good spread. There's plenty lined up in the SV display window. They go about $40-$60 each I think(?), depending on their function of course. Modtones and Behringers slightly more ex than BA and Biyang. Then pick up a Godlyke powerall (also from SV. Or Biyang AC with 5-daisy chain is $25), CNB carrying case and a few generic patch cables and you should be set for a while... till GAS strikes.
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Danelectro also, Cool Cat and Fab series are very affordable.

If you're looking for Multi Efx, I recommend the NUX MG-100. Bought from Davis Guitar for $105. Many effects + built in expression pedal and LCD display. However, if you want multi-efx units, be prepared to spend a considerable amount of time setting presets and ensuring unity gain, etc.
Save up for the mid-range multi-fx (Line 6, Vox) if you are're considering multi-fx. There really is a big difference between them. Cheap multi-fx sound, well, cheap. They're also noisy and likely to break down more easily. As a Line 6 user, I recommend anything from the PODX3 and up.

Cheap pedals tend to be less tweakable and less versatile, so when you get sick of the tone, there's no way of manipulating it to be different. Also, there's the problem of tone sucking and noise (the Biyang delay and chorus are really noisy, and the Behringer noise gate, well, ironically is itself a noisy pedal). There are, however, exceptions to the norm. The EHX Line Booster is a fine example of cheap but good.
Some cheaper pedals that are great value for the money :

Biyang Tri-Reverb
Biyang OD7 or OD8
Garagetone Axle Grease Delay (from Guitar 77 at Excelsior SC)
Okay I'll make a list on a budget board, and then an intermediate board. Prices I list will be rough second hand prices.

OD: BOSS SD-1 ($50-60) or Danelectro Cool Cat Transparent Overdrive V1 for no mid-hump ($40)
Dist: Danelectro Cool Cat Drive V1 ($30)
Volume/Wah: Morley Mini Wah/Volume ($120)
Delay: Ibanez DE-7 ($70-90)
Flanger: EHX Neo Mistress ($60)

This board is actually quite good, and would last for maybe two years before you slowly and gradually phase out to 'better' products (which is subjective).

OD: Boss SD-1 or Digitech Bad Monkey ($60-80)
Dist: MI Audio Crunchbox ($120-150) or MaxZ Hi-Gain Monster ($180) Underrated but extremely good
Volume/Wah: Morley Mini Wah/Volume ($120)
Delay: Line 6 Echo Park ($120-150)
Flanger: Try source out an Ibanez flanger, either from the 9 series or the old 301 (which I'm selling, but not promoting here FYI).

Other stuff in case you wanna try.
Fuzz: EHX Big Muff Pi w Wicker ($120)
Reverb: Line 6 Verbzilla ($120-150; don't get ridiculous prices like 180-220)
Boost: Retro Sonic Boost (TY clearing at $120)
Comp: Boss CS-2 is very good if you can source one (I can ask my friend who is selling)
Tremolo: BYOC for lush trem ($120), Line 6 Tap Tremolo for experimental ($100)

Alternative is to get good dirt pedals like an SD-1 and Hi-Gain Monster, and back it up with a Line 6 M9 with expression pedals to become your wah, volume, delay and modulation.

Hope this helps!
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Always trust the classics: Proco Rat, ts9/808 or a fuzz face if youre into that sort of thing, which i am. You'll be safe on this and can save up for more expensive modulation and echo pedals.

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