pedal building


Active member
i am in the process of building my own tremolo pedal. its the tremulus lune based on the 4ms pedal company. they have open sourced their kits and therefore very cool.


i have to say that the design and parts are very cheap, at most $60 max. the real cost comes from the labour and time that u have to commit to solder all the parts in. so respect to all pedal makers the modders and lovers.

have u hugged your pedal modder today?
4ms has some nice stuff. Is it an easy build? I've always been keen to try building effects. Probably need to start with something easy like one of the byoc/ggg kits...
u only need to understand the schematic and be handy with the soldering iron. head over to sim lim tower for the components and you'll be well on your way!

btw, if u need a guitarist's help on components, head over to koba electronics. the son who runs the shop is a geetarer and will be able to help u out on parts.
thanks. probably have a bit of problem reading the schematics...better start with something easy like a muff clone to get familiar with the process..
muff clone wont be too easy if not used to the way of schematic drawing. Unless its buying those prefab pcb and just need to drop in components and solder. Those are like jig saw puzzle, drop in right place and solder, it prolly will work the first time round

if starting from scratch, the easiest thing to start with(imho and also how i started out) are with buffer and booster.

And before that, knowing the schematic drawings/working of of switches, led, resistor, capacitors, op amp input/output/power/gnd pin etc(fromt he data sheet/spec available online) will make thing easier as well plus able to include exclude mods(extra switches for different stages, expression pedal control jack etc)
was looking to buy the tremulus from 4ms but now may consider making one. have a few questions for you

1. where did you buy all the parts from? i dont think Sim Lim would have the board would it?

2. i have no experience in pedal making or electronics but i can solder (poorly). would you recommend i make this?

much appreciated!

i am in the process of building my own tremolo pedal. its the tremulus lune based on the 4ms pedal company. they have open sourced their kits and therefore very cool.


i have to say that the design and parts are very cheap, at most $60 max. the real cost comes from the labour and time that u have to commit to solder all the parts in. so respect to all pedal makers the modders and lovers.

have u hugged your pedal modder today?
i got some free time and was always wonder how to make one, any primer or begginers guide from etching a pcb to doing all those solders?
hi recorder

1. i got the board from 4ms. rest of my parts from this shop in chinatown. there's an electronics shop opp chinatown point, pearl's centre or pearl building or something. they have all the parts which was listed in the 4ms site. just print out the list and pass it to them. the shopkeeper's son is a pedal maker as well, so if u spot him, u can ask him abt it

u can make your own board using cardboard or a breadboard. but me being a beginner will already have trouble reading out schematics, i think u can start off with a pre printed pcb.

2. i have no experience in electronics or soldering too. but i had lots of help from my bandmate. he showed me how to identify parts and solder etc. but i recommend u try diystompboxes forum for a start.

hope this helps.
yeah that's good! but personally after building this pedal, i don't think i wanna do it again unless absolutely necessary. no tools. :(
thanks for the info rottenramone. hopefully that place sells log pots. couldn't find any at Sim Lim Tower