pedal beaters


New member
hey was wondering..
i've been having this problem for some time now.which is the best length to put ur beaters??does positioning it in a longer length affects the speed and reaction of the pedal?
i've played in gigs and i used to adjust it short at length and i cant hear the bass drum being played at all..pls help i hope u guys know wat im tryin to say here..
I think lengthening it should sound louder. (I flunked my H2 Physics before.)

Maybe it's just you when you can't hear the bass drum but the crowd does. A lot of factors involved. If you think the bass drum sound too soft when the beater is set low, then set higher.
thnks but anothere prob here bro..
when i set it high,the beater will hurt the top part of my feet..jus above the toes..when it bounces back.haha
thnks for the tip anyways
That one depends on how far you set your beater from the drum and the tension of the pedal.
No worries man, I'm not helping much really.
to prevent the beater from hitting yr foot, u could try to have more control over yr foot and maintain some weight on the pedal. cos if u like the sound of the beater at that height, then no choice lah. or change beater heads to a different material.
just play using more ankles la... then can get enough power even if the beater does not move that far back..