Passion for playing the guitar

hmmm... i guess ur right. i tink i'm going into playing the piano, juz to wait out this period. i tink the important thing is to be interested in music, maybe not guitar but music in general.
i think not...

if u keep forcing urself to do what u don't feel like doing, u'lll hate it even more...

try to stay focus to ur goal... ur reluctance to drop guitar is due to sumthing in ur sub conscious mind... if u can find it and make it clear to urself y u still want to play, then thats it... u'll work on it naturally and theres no need to force urself to do it
another advice... go find someone wif the program guitarpro 4....

It will giv u enough things to work on til u old and dying...

... find a song at and learn it..

sian... den find a exercise tab to practise fingering and techniques

even more sian... go online and find a scale and play around wif it...

still sian get friends to jam along...

still sian.. go find better friends to jam along...

hmm i feel this way will bring the passion back for me. but its very expensive.

open your own studio. customize your own stuffs. make separate rooms for ur bandmates and jam 24/7. huahuahauhaha.

k sounds crazy but it will definitely bring my passion back. enthu man!
i have guitar pro... great programme, but the tabs are all freaking long. wahahha. i tink its time for me to tink abt y i have this problem.
boss, the reason why u don't want to play guitar is because you're stuck in a rut.

think of why you started playing guitar. (the thrill of playing, creativeness, music intensity)

think of why you stopped playing guitar. (i'm not as good as others, playing scales and chords are boring, guitar sounds terrible to me these days.)

then work on them.
- play songs u find fun to play
- start doing crazy things on guitar
- start from scratch, play the fundamentals... sloppy playing does kill passion a lot..
- tweak your guitar amp settings
- create scales and chords yourself, break out of fixed patterns. NOT adhereing to pentatonic boxes and patterns is a great idea to rejuvenate your playing.
- tune ur guitar to non-standard tunings
- ... so on and so forth ...

for me i'm currently "downgrading" to practising tempos at 60bpms. Man, it sure is challenging - your muscles strain pretty easily! :o
Yes i agree itz time u went for professional help. Need a psychologist? Ring me. Low rates. Discounts. Free brandy every session.
dude.. i had many of these.. i felt so fucking jaded.. i play guitar for 5 minutes and totally got sick of it.. ive quit a couple of times.. and usually my idols will inspire me to pick it up again.. it just comes randomly.. you can stop for a week or 2 man.. no worries when u play it again.. u will feel like a new guitar player.. u feel improved and your drive to practice comes back. thats just the way it goes man.. stop for awhile =)
man...thats just nasty...

oh well .... ive never really conceeded to myself - saying i quit guitar etc...

i always just do what ever i feel like...etc.. no need to feel the guilt if you dont practise etc...

go out..go for movies..clubbing..go for holidays... study for exams...etc..blah blah blah.

BUT sooner or later you gonna pick up your guitar , slap on some new strings and play for an hour straight and enjoy it. thats when u know you are back.
BUT sooner or later you gonna pick up your guitar , slap on some new strings and play for an hour straight and enjoy it. thats when u know you are back.

That's very true man. I stopped guitar for almost a month earlier this year due to lack of inspiration.
woow thanx for the input u guys. ya i tink i will ask god wad he wants me to do, and i needa take a break from guitar to pursue other stuff. Thanx u guys :)