boss, the reason why u don't want to play guitar is because you're stuck in a rut.
think of why you started playing guitar. (the thrill of playing, creativeness, music intensity)
think of why you stopped playing guitar. (i'm not as good as others, playing scales and chords are boring, guitar sounds terrible to me these days.)
then work on them.
- play songs u find fun to play
- start doing crazy things on guitar
- start from scratch, play the fundamentals... sloppy playing does kill passion a lot..
- tweak your guitar amp settings
- create scales and chords yourself, break out of fixed patterns. NOT adhereing to pentatonic boxes and patterns is a great idea to rejuvenate your playing.
- tune ur guitar to non-standard tunings
- ... so on and so forth ...
for me i'm currently "downgrading" to practising tempos at 60bpms. Man, it sure is challenging - your muscles strain pretty easily!