Parts-playing using Korg X-50


New member
Hi folks! sorry another question abt the X50...

has anyone figured out a way to quickly change tones/combinations (sorry not sure what terms i should use here..) on the X50? say for example, if you need a split keyboard for piano on the lower keys and strings on the upper keys and then for the very next moment you'll need strings on the lower keys and woodwind on the upper keys.. is there a way to change from one combination to the next immediately?

so far i've only figured out how to summon solo programmes within a combi, or to 'mute' the other programmes by changing from INT to OFF modes.. but it takes time! :S

also since i'll be playing many different songs (each requiring different combinations) i doubt it'll be a good idea to add these to favourites since i'll have to change the favourites every time i play a different song..

if someone has discovered a more immediate direct way please do share. thanks! :)
The most irritating thing about x50 combi mode is that it "cuts" off your notes when you switch combis. 1 way to quickly switch is to put the combis in sequence... say you save them in USER category.

Then and you can switch by pressing the + button.
utano please elaborate!

when you say put the combis in sequence do you mean to save the combis right next to each other like B125, B126, B127?
but that would take up an awful amount of space on the X50 and i'm not prepared to spend so much space for just a song..

also is there such a thing as USER category? does that mean i can avoid writing over pre-existing data? i can't find this USER category.. is it under one of the banks the X50 have? (but then again the banks are all loaded with pre-existing data...)
Utano, all synths will "cut off" notes when switched from one patch to another. This is because each patch uses different effects, synthesis engine, etc. Digital/stage pianos let you switch smoothly.
and we are waiting for Fantom G!!! right cheez? .. hahaa ... Fantom G won't cut off in patch and live mode ... ho ho ho ...

that's why it's a cheap synth since1982 ... it only have that amount of space ...

one way to do it is for you to back up all the patch to your comp first .... then after that you can mess with your X50 without worrying losing factory patch ....
Yeah! Have to wait and try to see. Fantom G has lots of DSP power - very likely it can be done!
Just to add, the kurzweil k series highend synths can also hold the patches during changes.

On the other hand Logic 8's mainstage allows you to split the keyboard and make your combis of softsynths. It also has the ability to hold/sustain the patches and effects without any cutoff during program changes.

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