Parts for DIY stomp boxes


New member

I'm looking for some DPDT switch, it's a push button like the one you can see on MXR stomp box for switching on/off the effect.
I had a look in Sim Lim Tower and a lot of shops, no way to find in Singapore.
Does one of you guys know where i could find this kind of parts ?
My tube overdrive that i made is only waiting for the switch to be complete, it's a bit sad ... :(
You can go to Koba Electronics at People's Park Center Level 3.
They have it in stock and very cheap also.
Koba has a decent range of 1% resistors and what nots... Nichicon and Elna caps, yadda yadda.. Nice people there too. I think there's a shop in burlington that sells black gates you might want to check it out there. For milspec .1% resistors RS has them but you need to order in fives I think... And they don't come cheap. :D
Hmm didn't know there are people interested in DIY here.. Interesting.. Maybe we can form a small DIY discussion group among ourselves.. Can come up with something
Does Koba Electronics have 3PDT ? And how much does the DPDT stompswitches cost ? (I used to get them from US., but surely, they originated from taiwan or china or something).

For the "standard" diy stompboxes (small MXR sized, or sansamp sized ones) you can get it from Farnell @, and click on the singapore flag. Search for Aluminium Diecast Boxes, under 2 brands, Hammond from Canada and Eddystone from UK. I prefer Eddystone personally. Note that they use different screwthreads though (metric vs imperial).

Recently, I've saw some of these aluminium diecast boxes at SLT, 3rd floor, besides the old tube/audiofile/radio shop. Not cheap though. Cheaper to order from farnell.

I used to have a email address of a singapore distributer that manufactured such aluminium boxes, but well, never contacted them. Not much point now because I've stopped building stompboxes for a loooooooong time.

hmm, you know, i've never done any DIY pedal construction myself before... but, it does sound like GREAT FUN! XD XD
haha, actually, i would like to learn stuff about it, could come in useful...

could someone tell me really briefly how you go about making a pedal?

There's a shop in Burlington square that sells audio grade caps(Sprague) and resistors ( the place is called Martin Electronics).Personally i would not buy from Farnell and RS cause they mark up prices. Go down to Sim Lim and take a look or to the Jalan Besar area.

I have built a stomp box (EH Screamming Bird) before and trust me its not as easy as it seems. In fact it may well cost more than buying a second hand one.

However i have to admit its a very satisfying when you manage to complete one.

Here's a list of stuff u will need to buy to start your hobby

Soldering iron
strip board
container box/chassis(unless u plan on abusing the box a thick plastic one will do)
screws and nuts

I guess most people will try to get the schematics from the web. Please note that not all of them are accurate.You have to be able to read the plans and roughly know the components. Lots of ICs are not commonly found in the market. Transistors are also another problem as you will need to find the relevent data sheets

Maybe the best way to start out is to try and modify your existing pedal such as the DS1.

Someone wrote about PCB and bread board.What i did was to use the bread board to verify the circuit to see if it ran.After that i soldered the components onto the strip board. It is very expensive to make a customised PCB (read Printed Circuit Board)

Currently my latest indulgence is the reconditioning of a second hand 2X10 cabinet many ppl interested in building effects too?

i've been downloading schematics for quite some time, but i've not really had the time to build them. though, i just bought some resistors from Sim Lim Square yesterday..yeah...keep posting ur progresses k? just for the fun of D-I-Ying...yeah..rock on.
If you want to buy decent MXR sized stomp box, hammond is the way to go. You can get them from RS components or Martin electronics and they should not cost more then 10 bucks each if I'm not wrong.
You can always print out the schematics and bring them to the shop. I'm sure if they are not busy they will help you "collect the herbs".
For me enclosure is always the last step. If I dun like how it sounds, I will not enclose it.
Building is not difficult, the troublesome part is the debugging part which always down your morale.
If you want 3PDT switch, Koba has them but only in switch format not footswitch else go with 2PDT if LEDs is not an issue. They also have quite a range of audio grade capacitors.
I'm thinking of building a rat clone pedal.

I can quite easily find the capacitors, resistors and leds in sim lim tower.

But anyone knows where I can get the transistors (2n5458) and op amps (LM308) in singapore. The project i decide to start on will likely depend on what parts I can find in singapore.

Anyone has a source and know how much?

I tink u can find it in Sim sure thre is ard.

Btw...hv u look up at RS catalogue or maybe Farnel......bath of them hv alots of parts n component in their stock......maybe a bit of exlah.....but worth ur effor cos u dont reali need to search every corner of sim lim to fing ur component.Le t ur finger do the walking..... impressed by the number of mod seeker here in soft......didnt noe dat there r many interested in electronic and also modds and builder.

Cool!.....not jus pure music here but related to electronic in music......hope u noe wat i mean.

Aniway.....i did post if sumone or somebody noe or can help me in contact or sources on how to implement a dc source(D size batteries) to a marshall amp MG15CDR......

I did hv a Torque amps with both a ac n dc source.......but how can I do in on the marshall amp?

Ani1 can help me on dis......does the burlington can help me on dis....???

Appreciate ani kind of help and info.........thx guys.....


Just would like to share my DIY 26dB Booster - no coulorization, pure volume boost (can operate from 9V to 18V - more headroom) powered by OPA2134 op-amp. I also designed the PCB (this PCB was from my another project but I re-used it for the booster :) ). In case I will be needing to change it to higher dB (35+dB), I can do so by changing 2 resistors at the back of the PCB. :) This project was created to be able to plug in directly to fxloop return of an amp.

Currently, I don't have a casing yet and the footing is just a 3d printed stand.

I think, I reached around S$10 to S$15 to complete this booster.
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