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but most of them like got boyfriend leh..
damn, wish i was there man...
the gig sound awesome, judging by the comments you guys gave.
lol just curious, taste of chaos vs parkway drive gig, which one was more brutal and headbanging?
to the dude who asked for a refund : next time just stay at home surf youtube. my recommendation - or , so if the sound sucks you can blame it on your crappy speakers.dare you to head down to a club/zouk whatever, pay , get in, claim your freedrink coupon, go back to the counter and say "the chicks are fugly, the dj sucks, the sound system sucks, the drink sucks, and the place sucks. i want a refund."
LOL! this guy working for prettig is it? hahahah! funny funny :twisted:
Will post more of it after i come bck frm work. =D Cheers!
hey ron did u lose a few kg throughout the gig? haha. =X