Parkour, l'art du déplacement


New member
Anyone into Parkour or freerunning? Just wanna find out. I know theres a Singapore Parkour Community but any softies into parkour?
I like to watch, lol. Too weak to do parkour although I'm interested. I'll just fall over and die the moment I start running :x
I scared break bones also, later can't play guitar anymore :/

Btw, how long have you been trying parkour? I don't know what is considered easy, but for me, I'll have to gain back all 100% of my stamina first by jogging haha
I've always wanted to try.. But seeing the number of "accidents" that happen to people I know and I don't, it simply deters me from even trying..
Plus, it may jeopardize my education, as well as my passion for music! :???:
im not into parkour but i do stunts just for the fun of it. like jumping down here and there. no group. its fun but not passion for me.

my fren is into parkour though. featured in Generation X(that show about teens into extreme sports i think. his videos do inspire but heck, the passion's not there.
parkour is cool
can't do it though.
too fat. heh.

there were boys in my school that did it on the roofs and walls.
scary when they got injuries.
Yeap, parkour and freerunning are two different things. I used to do parkour but then I took up boxing and never got back to parkour again.
Nope, its basically running from point A to point B with style, so freerunning includes flips, wallflips, backflips and stuff like that. Actually, I dont think there's a specific direction. Whereas Parkour is basically getting from point A to point B in the quickest way possible, so you wont see any redundant moves.