Paganini's 24th Caparice

which video? the one which steve vai played was the 5th eh. but the one which the girl played with her classical guitar..GODLIKE..shes 20+ now i heard from my friend..that video was done years ago..

this is my first post btw. hi all..:D
Oh god! I'm breathless! Does anyone think it's possible to play this with a pick? I WANT THE TABS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted:
I saw that long ago. that girl is amazing. but didn't stop the pefectionists at the JP forum from dissing her, heh.
wah ... i mean... playing that song from memory alone is evidence enough of the amount of hard work put in.

What did those JP forum guys diss her on? ... tacky outfit, or cheesy background of the room?? hahahaha... guys will always be guys...
If i remember correctly, they say her articulation is bad, too robot-like.
Well, can't please everybody, esp anal guitar-nuts :D
ChanMin said:
wah ... i mean... playing that song from memory alone is evidence enough of the amount of hard work put in.

What did those JP forum guys diss her on? ... tacky outfit, or cheesy background of the room?? hahahaha... guys will always be guys...

They probably dissed because they couldn't play like that! :lol:
I dunno man! Technically that was amazing no doubt about it but somehow I still feel that no guitar player acoustic or electric has been able to recreate or improve upon the powerful range of nuances executed on a 4 string violin. There was the 24 Caprices performed and recorded by many Violinists including a very young Japanese girl Midori but really after listening to Izhak Perlman's 1972 recording everything else on guitar pales in comparison. I think it's due to the fact that unlike a violin or wind blown instrument a guitar's strings once struck simply fades away unlike the other 2 where you can sustain and control the dynamics easily after the initial note is sounded.

I think the closest that a guitarist has managed to sound like a violin is Uli Jon Roth. I would love to hear or witness others if you know of them.
Rollercoaster said:
Oh god! I'm breathless! Does anyone think it's possible to play this with a pick? I WANT THE TABS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted:

You'll be able to find the tabs here

It's ridiculously difficult.. the technical expertise of them damned classical players is really way up there.

Maybe you could try using a thumb pick instead of a conventional pick in order to free all your fingers up to play the notes.
God I found some tabs for that song, but most of it are without the chords and I think the song wouldn't sound good without the chords.....hmm...actually I jus found out I can play part of the song........I can play the A chord at the end! :lol:
Actually Poo, that is where I got the tabs from, but I realised a big part of the tab doesn't have the chords which may sound empty if I'm jus gonna play note by note..... :(
no offence but if any1 thinks the 24th caprice is tough i suggest u try the 5th caprice. even the version that becker played wasnt up to speed to the actual recording.
Rollercoaster said:
Actually Poo, that is where I got the tabs from, but I realised a big part of the tab doesn't have the chords which may sound empty if I'm jus gonna play note by note..... :(

I think it's meant to be played that way. Some of the classically arranged stuff for guitar is like that, single notes here and there. Won't sound nice if you just played that part alone, it'll only blend in nicely if you played the song as a whole.

In all honestly i feel that the caprices don't sound good on the electric guitar. Shred and all, just doesn't capture the feel.
gosh..makes me wanna pick up my old classical and start learnin a thing or two..but randolf made a point...wont sound the same like a violin playing..nice anyway..