Overhaul - Guitar electronics (Pots, switch etc) Advise?

Cheapest + value for money? I would say TYMC. Recommended brands would be of course CTS, Bourns, Switchcraft, CRL, Sprague, etc. If you want more variety for caps though, drop by Guitar Connection and ask for Danny. Last I checked, he had a few Vitamin Qs and Black Beauties in stock. But if you want to go the "to-the-max" route, check out the upgrade kits offered by RS Guitarworks.

Off-topic: I've always wondered what the RS stood for... Radioshack? Anyone know?
or you could go to guitarpartsresources online and get a vintage gibson kit which is cheaper and uses quality parts (CTS Pots, Braided Wire, caps etc).Shipping took me a week for my Gibbie.

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