overdrive/distortion ?


New member

Please kindly advise what is the main difference between an overdrive and distortion ?
I use a 5 string active bass and im thinking of getting a bass overdrive "OR" a bass distortion that could still keep the low B string on my bass.
I'm thinking of an overdrive "OR" distortion that wont make my sound thin,. instead make it "fuller with a little growl (distortion)" into it,...

I saw some pretty good reviews from these two (from their websites,...hehehe)
-Electro-harmonix Bass Blogger
-Boss ODB3 (bass overdrive)

any feedback or other recommendation would be very much appreciated.

Thanks a ton!
try the Bogdan's Polish Love pedal. i tell its amazing! really amazing. can do a clean and OD boost.
when it comes to distortion effects in general, the following come to mind in ascending order of harshness (or how "distorted" the sound is)

1. Overdrive
2. Distortion
3. Fuzz

should help answer your first query ;)

as to recommendation.. well since you didn't state any budget, i'd recommend the distortion pedal i'm using; TC Electronics' Vintage Bass Distortion. got it from Blackwood at $360. has a really, really throaty, in-your-face tone.

but of course as a golden rule.. always try out first. don't rule out distortion pedals commonly used with guitars, such as Electro Harmonix's English Muff'n and Fulltone's OCD.
tidesofblood got it spot on, and there's a good article on this here:


the muffn' is fantastic, a simple 12ax7 tube swap can produce a very saturated OD which may be used for fuzz applications as well

i may be letting go of my muffn though once ehx's new offerings come out. might get BOTH the blogger and the bass muff. the blogger is supposedly a 'soulful overdrive', while the muff is self explanatory, a fuzz. the AC power supply of the muffn is a liability. but where tube ODs are concerned it is the real deal
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tidesofblood got it spot on, and there's a good article on this here:


the muffn' is fantastic, a simple 12ax7 tube swap can produce a very saturated OD which may be used for fuzz applications as well

i may be letting go of my muffn though once ehx's new offerings come out. might get BOTH the blogger and the bass muff. the blogger is supposedly a 'soulful overdrive', while the muff is self explanatory, a fuzz. the AC power supply of the muffn is a liability. but where tube ODs are concerned it is the real deal
any indication when sg going to get the new ehx stuff?
Thanks to all who replied!

I was in Blackwood yesterday afternoon and they have no idea when the bass muff pi and the blogger will be available,.

I guess I have to wait for it to come out and try

any other worthy overdrive that doesnt make my sound "thin" ?
there are a couple of bass-specific OD pedals... but guitar pedals can be modded to retain the low end as well

i heard on some forums that the bass muff, metaphors, and bass micro synth will be out in mid july. the blogger will be out sooner
i shall throw out my one-size-fits-all answer again..

things to take note off when testing pedals:

1. it might sound different through different amps and in different places.
2. always test to see if you like/don't like the sound. the opinions of others don't necessarily match your needs.
3. to find out if non-bass specific overdrives (or any pedal, for that matter) works with your bass, just test out first. i believe that most of our retailers are friendly enough to let their clients have a no-obligations test drive.

have fun finding your toys.
i would like to add that although the boss ODB is called a bass overdrive, i can assure you that it is not an overdrive, it is a distortion
I use the Boss Metal Zone MT-2 (left over from my old guitar days) for my bass, and i'm loving the sound!!!

it's pretty usable because other than distortion level, there are 2 parametric EQs built into the pedal, so no loss of bass freq to me (o what I can perceive)