out of phase pickup wiring

just switch the + and - wires from one pickup combined with the other pickup, you get outta phase wiring. You will need a toggle switch or pushpull pot for the switching between in phase and out of phase.

geetarers do it coz they want sound variations of the instrument for whatever sound they need, for the context they created.

Some people are happy with 5 sounds, some need 10, 20 sounds, some cant live with more choices while some others love to have more, to play with.

heh, its a bit like driving. Some happy with cars to travel around and some used it to travel around cum racing. They aint weird, but just having diffferent needs than us.
sorry for reviving this thread i totally forgot abt it.

yeah i wanted to ask. so its possible for a guitar to be capable of having both out of phase sounds and the normal? meaning, an ordinary with a pull of a switch can change to out of phase.

where can i get my guitar wired this way?
not sure whats the geetar, but for a start, single coil pickup by itself, cannot be out of phase with itself. You will need 2 pickups to be together and having the individual hot/ground lead available to you to do this outta phase thingy(some humbucker with 2 wires, hot and gnd cant be put out of phase with itself while those with 4/5 wires type can do the outta phase thingy)

out of phase wiring occurs when you have 2 pickups combined together and having one set of the pickup hot lead and ground lead connect in reverse, in respect to the other pickup's hot and ground.

if you use a push pull(which is actually a 2poles double throw/2pdt switch connected to usual pot) pot, you can make use/rewire of the 2pdt switch on the push pull pot to do this switching between the standard in phase wiring and the out of phase setting(when you pull up the shaft of the pot).

Most geetar tech mentioned round here shud be able to do it. Just check with them for the rate and info
i'm intending to do it on a les paul.

haha thanks but i'm not yet that knowledgeable enough to understand fully what u've just said.

but my main concern is that, with one guitar, can u get both out of phase sounds and normal sounds? i think u mean yes, when u mentioned the push pull.

but just double checking. thanks anyway.
heh, on a les paul, go for the wanky one, jimmy page wiring(the wiring pic is available all over the net, just do a google search if you are interested in asking the geetar tech to do that).

All 4 pots are push pull and you can get outta phase, series wiring, split coil on top the usual parallel wiring(provided the humbucker in your lp comes with the 4/5 wires type, it will be easier to do the jimmy page wiring without doing extra to split pickup wires)

Theres only more is still more in the above wiring, no less is more