OTS: Paper Traces - Fix You - Coldplay Cover


New member

*Watch in HD*

Been awhile since we've had time to jam!

This is a song we've done live before and wanted to record our version of it, definitely not perfect (some harmonies and chords were a little off and of course that note that was off timing in the solo..) but we had a ton of fun doing this!

It's a song I've been pretty hesitant to cover though, we're both huge coldplay fans and I hope we've done at least some justice to the original song itself!

Let us know what you think! More to come in the future!

I'm on the right, playing a Taylor T5 and Nick's on the left playing a Taylor 814ce.

Audio is recorded with two large diaphragm condenser mics, a Rode NT1A and an Audio Technica AT2020 running into a Steinberg CI-1 interface using Logic as a DAW on the iMac. Blended in some camera audio as well..

Filmed on a D7000, video was color corrected in Final Cut Pro X.

More to come!

Camera: Nikon D7000
Lens: Nikkor 18-200mm F3.5-5.6
Audio: Rode NT-1A & Audio Technica AT2020

Twitter: www.twitter.com/jmsmusic1
Tumblr: www.jmsmusic.tumblr.com
Instagram: jmsmusic

Nick's twitter: www.twitter.com/condescendin