Everything is a nice song. Everything seems in place. If there is anything to make yourselves special - the x-factor, then that is to improve on your arrangement for this song.
On a long term basis, I would look into adding a DJ onboard for a more trippy drum feel - more like Linkin Park. What you're doing now is good but it is going to be difficult with a small audience base to attract. But if you got some trippy drums and scratches on board then that could allow you to avail yourselves to a wider audience without selling out too much. And besides, Linkin Park ROCKs!
Lastly, tell your guitatists to look into coming out with slightly longer riffs - not all the time but have a balance. Right now, it's like 4-8 notes per riff. Try looking at longer riffs - 12-24 notes. Not only will that make him a better player but it'll make your songs sound more interesting and your songwriting more matured.
Just my .02