Original Compositions - Multiple Songs


Hi All

I'm a self-taught, half-assed musician who is into composing. Check out some of my stuff at the following URL.


Being a half-assed musician and composer, I'm looking for a musically-trained songwriter to work with. If you're interested then drop me an email.

And critical and non-vulgar comments are of course appreciated.

heya, took a listen to Take All U Can, and you might want to vary the drums a little to add some variety. also the solo work is pretty neat but it could do with more variety overall. for instrumentals, you gotta keep it exciting imho. so, variety would work well in ur favor. cheers
Thanks for the comments. I was just about to take the URL off cos' comments weren't forthocming.

The songs are not instrumentals except for a couple of the piano pieces. All the guitar stuff are supposed to have lyrics and singing. Point taken about the drums. It's just that it's useless to spend too much effort in that department as I am pretty certain that the arrangement may change once the singing part comes in - someday.

Thanks again for taking the time to have a listen and to provide a comment.
