organising a Live Band Competition


New member
Hi everyone, I was told that I can find more info about bands and the Singapore music scene here. I'm from Zhenghua CC's Youth Committee and we're planning on organising a Live Band Competition for ages 15-35 in conjunction with our Youth-travaganza day project that's going to be on 1st July. Can anyone direct me on where I can post more about this and where I can find more information on what we need to make a live band comp successful? :lol:


Go to Musicians Wanted section. State:

1. Event name
2. Musical genres preferred
3. Max number of members per band
4. Payment (if any) for band registraton etc
5. if bands are going to be paid
6. if any tickets are to be sold by the band
7. location
8. timing of event
9. what prizes are available
10. got chio bu go anot? :lol:

1st prize - $10,000
2nd prize - $5,000
3rd prize - $2,000


That's almost like SuperBand.

but in the first place, the live band is not supposed to be the main project, its just a part of the youth day thingy. And we don't intend to spend that much money even for the whole project (that includes hip hop performances, basketball tournies and much more). Its a matter of scale... Small scale, for not-so-experienced bands, targetted crowd is only about 300. we aim at only 10 bands

As for prizes, we haven't decide exactly what yet, but by your range, you can expect it to be small, very small... Aside from what we'll be getting from sponsors. That's the difficult part about getting participants.
Then scrap the band comp lah.

One too many these days and you can't afford the prizes, you'd not be able to attract the good acts anyway...
nvm ! my band will join this for sure ! hahas. if we're able to.. july.. prelims and mid-year. sian.

If we can't get 10 teams, I'll take your advice and scrap it.
But from now to july is quite a long time... So I hope we'll be able to continue with the thing.

I don't count on getting the top acts but we hope to get some of the young and new bands, I think mostly student bands.

Its not really about the competition or looking for the top bands and all that. Its more about us showcasing abit of what the youth are into these days, music and sound. And at the same time giving the new bands abit of exposure and some other small incentives.

If anyone's interested (from 15-35), please leave your name, email @ and contact number... and We'll let you know more when its finalised. :D
hey there,
I know what you are trying to say.

Well, get everything finalized first. Then get bands. :)

If not, just make a GIG. Not competition as you need to get Judges etc etc.

As July can reach at a blink of eye.

So yeah. :))

Good Luck in the events :)