Ordering overseas


New member
Hey! Just wondering, anyone ordered anything, bass/effects/amps etc. from music123.com? how reliable is it?

Checked out the shipping rates and they looked really reasonable.. :lol:
I ordered once from them, never delivered. Called them and was told no stock. Did not deduct my money tho'. I thought they should have the coutesy to inform me.
i actually had 2 good experiences ordering from them. my guitarist orders from them too. no problems so far. and their shipping are not as expensive as some other sites. thumbs up 8)
agreed ...

i took the dumb idea of NOT ordering direct from them and instead using vPOST to ship .. in the end i paid more than i would have paid if i ordered direct from Music123 ...
hmm... sent an email to them. and unfortunately they only do international orders on selected items. they don't ship items for gibson and epiphone for example, so vpost is the only option here...
haha. man... if only singapore floated over to the american west coast or something... imagine the $$ saved on shipping
that'll be nice .. haha . but we'll lose our sheltered coast .. our warm weather throughout the year ... and maybe some tourism .. =P ..
Hopefully in the future Tiger Air would have $30 flights to US. Thus we could just fly over and pick up stuff and fly back :p
that'll be nice ...

but US a bit the far .. maybe need transitional flights ... or a smaller jet that flies faster ... hahah