Ordering from BigO

who is this?

hi james,

who is this friend of yours CW ?

why do you think he is who he is I am ?

I think you look like the pics in Sam Leong...
... err, go to www.sammyboy.com

get a good glimpse of him in case you dun noe.
Choon Wai

Do behave. I have banned you 3 times and i will ban you again.
ban ban ban

ban ban ban

wat you toking about?

ban in the USA
ban in the Singapore
ban in the soft.com


who is tis CW ah? why you think he is who he is I am ah?

Jim, ban ban ban BAN in the soft.com ???

you really look like sammy boy SAM LEONG ?
ban ban ban

er......ban ban ban

ban in the soft.com


who is tis CW ah? why you think he is who he is I am ah?

you really look like sammy boy SAM LEONG ? errrrr..........

BigO == before I get old

now that I am OLD and I can't get any satisfaction,
I turn to sammyboy to look for clue;
and how I realise that the host SAM LEONG looks like
ours truly JAMES WOO the softie man.

Jim ah, did you get the inspiration from SAM LEONG to start this site?
you talk like him in style and accent but it's in terms of music;
you must have learned a lot from the guru after surfing the site???

WELL DONE! a job well done.
hhahahahaahha. i got lost somewhere along the way!! anyway, 'dad' don't scold your kids! MUAHHAHAHAAH :lol: :lol: :lol:
i dont think its funny lah.. i think that guy is picking on james.. daddy got to scold kids when they'r notti right? :o