OpenStage @*scape. 12 MAY 2007 (SAT)


New member

@ *scape (behind cineleisure)
This saturday, 12th of May


Allura (630pm)
LGF (7pm)

Featuring Ngak, EIC, Allura, LGF and
music workshops conducted by Eric Ng
and gang from Funkie Monkies!

Eric Ng is one of Singapore's star producers and has written and arranged songs for A mei, Stefanie Sun, Emil Chou, Jaycee Chan etc. If you are looking into a professional career in the music business, Eric and gang from Funkie Monkies Productions are the people to know. In addition, mentors who are selecting bands to perform at all OpenStage events will also be performing or conducting workshops this saturday, hence get a chance to meet all of them in person!
Enjoyed Allura's set as well as the informative workshop today :) Not forgetting the performance put up by Eric, Ngak, EIC and co too!

Also, a big thank-you to FM production/OpenStage crew/NYC folks (and anyone I've missed mentioning) for the opportunity/venue to take part in this event.

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