For me it'll be -
Daddy, Brother, Lover, Little Boy never fails to get me into a good mood!! You know that 'Drill Song' right?
Guns N Fuckin' Roses!!
Always loved to sing Sweet Child O' Mine in jamming sessions man. I wish I can sing Paradise City!!
Red Hot Chilli Peppers!!
Their music is nothing short of out of this world man.. I love RHCP!!
I can relate to how all the Mat Rocks I know who simply love this German rockers. Their songs are super melodious and the guitar solos simply sing to your soul man..
Not exactly the 80s but what can I say about these iconic musicians? Who doesn't know who Freddie Mercury is?
They are definitely not the bad asses of rock but their music is simply reachable and lovely to sing man! My peeps and I always have a good laugh trying to sing 'Living On A Prayer' during karaoke sessions (please don't flame me for going to Kbox hor.. A man must de-stress and socialise once in a while).
I haven't met any singer who can sing like that guy don't know what his name is man. He is fantastic. 18 and Life!!!
Another favourite of mine...
Definitely not mainstream but their melodies are very haunting. Andy La Roque!! Maybe some people may find Diamond's music cheesy or gimmicky but I simply love the songs in Abigail man!!